Kat Recs All The Fics, Round 5 - Day 2

Mar 08, 2016 15:42


A mixed bag today!

Battle Creek

bad blood (mad love) -  Milt/Russ. Milt’s old boyfriend shows up. Russ does not react well, but not for the reasons you’d expect. This starts with the ‘ex in town’ trope but it actually takes it somewhere much, much deeper. This is a best exploration of exactly why Milt’s secrecy and ‘model FBI agent’ act bothers Russ so very much that I’ve seen, gets is better than the show itself really. And says something kind of profound about relationships in general in the process. Excellent, highly recced.

Fast and the Furious Series

Life Sentence - Brian/Dom, bonding AU. Ahhhhhhhhh bonding fic! Facing twenty-five to life Dom grabs the only way out he can see and volunteers for bonding. And with his scores a certain compatible Federal Agent is about to come calling… Great premise, great plot, great banter and oh my yes GREAT sex… Ngh. Dirty and glorious. Go read now; everything you need to know about canon is this: Dom pulls high-speed heists, Brian is a disillusioned FBI agent, they both really, really like driving dangerously. That’s it, you’re set, NOW GO!


Hot Space - Duncan/Methos. Aww yeah BAMF!Methos \o/ Possibly one of the reasons I liked this fic so much was because Duncan spends most of it off-screen, after having gotten himself kidnapped. Methos to the (reluctant and bitchy) rescue, hampered/aided by a plucky OFC who totally ships it. I enjoyed Methos being clever and competent and the hero of the day despite resenting the last part oh so much.

Planning is for Imbeciles - Duncan/Methos. Methos here is a bit too pining for my taste objectively speaking but the humour and writing more than make up for it. Methos’ self-deprecating inner (and sometimes outer) monologue feels spot-on and hilarious to boot. The final get together seems a bit sudden but overall this is entirely enjoyable.

Seven Year Itch - Duncan/Methos. Kilt!porn. Well, I’m frankly surprised there isn’t more of this in the fandom given Duncan’s origins. The porn is indeed hot (and takes place in a backseat of a car, bonus points for that!) but it also has a strong undercurrent of emotion. I’m terribly disappointed that I haven’t found any fic with the kink hinted at the end…

Upon This Tidal Wave of Young Blood - Duncan/Methos. Story of contrasts; Methos’ life then and now. I liked this because it makes its point without feeling the need to spell it out, trusting the reader to draw the parallels. This has a quiet feel to it and doesn’t shy away from the grimness of the past.


A Brief History of Home Invasions: It's Not the Uninvited Guest, It's What You Do With Them That Counts - Tim/Tony. The only ship I’m interested in for this fandom and catwalksalone writes it so well. I was re-reading one of her older fics and stumbled across this one, which was new to me but carries all the trademark banter and friendship and sweet slide to something more. Tony moves in which is a good thing as Tim is having some unwanted attention from someone intent on harming him… Plus, Tony cooks, so there is that.

Person of Interest

Discretion - Finch/Reese. Post s3 final John and Harold may have to get used to new lives and identities but that doesn't mean they have to do so alone. Or: John's going to find a way to stay close no matter what. Awesomely domestic, and shows how the new lives somehow free both of them from some fears and restraints of the past.


Alone On the Water - Gen(ish) John/Sherlock, death fic. I don’t read death fic. I don’t. But then I read the first few lines and then, somehow, I had read it. And I don’t regret it even though (because?) I cried and cried and cried throughout the whole thing and if I think about it too much I’ll start crying again. Jesus this hurts but it’s a hurt that is realistic and raw and claws your chest open. Beautifully written. Absolutely devastating.


Curtains - Bond/Q. Oh my heart, this is all kinds of perfect. Bond and Q move in together and eventually move from colleagues to friends to lovers. Everything about this feels warm and easy which is remarkable because the fic doesn’t shy away from the kind of work these men do, or the price it extracts. I was grinning whole way through the fic, giggling in delight. I so wish the author hadn’t opted to anonymise this because I want to find everything else they’ve ever written.


ncis, sherlock, fanfic rec, battle creek, highlander, skyfall, fast and the furious

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