Kat Recs All The Fics, Round 5 - Day 3

Mar 09, 2016 16:15


All Daredevil today. Because bff pairings are my drug of choice always and forever.

Daredevil (TV)

come take my pulse (the pace is on a runaway train) - Matt/Foggy. In which there is almost drunken sex and boys being idiots and then sweet first time sober sex. Adorable.

I Decided This - Matt/Foggy. Matt makes so many idiotic decisions that they need an office chart to keep track. This is funny and cute, I like how the board makes them properly communicate.

I Won't Send Roses - Matt/Foggy. Time is finally right for Matt to go a-courting. A lovely, well-paced fic about moving forward with a charmingly realistic sex scene.

jump, check parachute - Matt/Foggy. Oh the feels... Friends with benefits, slow realisations and second chances. Lovely, lovely read.

Pardon Me While I Burst Into Flames - Matt/Foggy, AU. In which Matt is a devil in quite the literal sense. And not just any random demon, oh no, he's the kind who feeds on sexual energy... You're probably guessing where this is going and let me reassure you that the ride is hellishly hot and hilarious to boot :D

Private Property - Matt/Foggy, sort of slave AU. Matt has some money but not enough to cover years of studying necessary to become a lawyer. So he signs up as a Companion. His new owner is not at all what he expects. Ugh this fic, so awesome, so very, very hot. Matt's fears and fantasies get increasingly tangled as the years pass and Foggy doesn't make any move to take what is his. Highly recced.

rearrange the alphabet (u & i) - Matt/Foggy. Matt's attempts at wooing are not as obvious as he'd like to think. Adorable and romantic.

Rosemary and Mint - Matt/Foggy, Matt/Foggy's hair. Matt has a thing for a nice head of hair. Foggy definitely has one of those. This could be a problem. Hilarious, awkwardly hot :D

Say You'll Still Be By My Side - Matt/Foggy. Forgiveness takes time. Matt's working hard at it though because it's worth it. Slow and at times painful moving forward fic, with rewarding sweetness at the end.

We Just Lost the Beat - Matt/Foggy, AU. In which Matt still does what he does, but Foggy works in radio... Lovely identity porn. I'm a big fan of 'communicating via songs' trope and this does that beautifully, although you have to come up with the actual songs yourself (author's choice to leave it like that is both inspired and frustrating!)


fanfic rec, daredevil

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