Kat Recs All The Fics, Round 5 - Day 1

Mar 07, 2016 15:30


It's my birthday and I come bearing the long-promised week of fic recs. It’s been a hell of a long time since I’ve done that (three years in fact, fuck) although I did try to make up for it over Christmas (if you missed it, those rec posts are here, here and here). It’s time. Particularly, since I’ve been reading loads lately. So for those of you new to the journal, here’s how it works. I rec ten fics per day for a week. The fics are simply ‘stories I enjoyed’ for a variety of reasons and in multiple fandoms. For previous rounds and some ad hoc fic reccing, please clic the ‘fanfic rec’ tag. Enjoy.


Let’s start with… Highlander. Yes, yes, you read that right. Idek if anyone on my flist is/used to be into this fandom? But I spent my formative teenage years watching this melodrama of long hair and clashing swords on TV and it is one of the first slash fandoms I read back in the day. You can check the crack_van fandom overview here if you want to brush up on canon before the fic! For some ineffable reason I’ve really been in mood for some Duncan/Methos fic lately. Hence recs! For a few of these Methos’ characterisation is not quite what I would like to see but that’s not a reflection on the author but instead on my insanely specific need for BAMF!Methos. I just… I can’t buy a 5,000-years-and-counting-old Immortal as anything but extremely competent when it comes to, well, basically everything, and any fic that includes him losing a fight or swooning like a schoolgirl makes me roll my eyes a lot. But there are degrees of that of course… Anyway, enough pre-ramble, on with the recs!


Change of Season - Duncan/Methos. A lovely get-together story with ust and that well used fandom cliché of Quickening-induced horniness. Also feelings. Enjoyed this just as much on the second read-through.

Fiction - Duncan/Methos. Starts funny as Methos finds a certain book but ends up somewhere altogether more honest. Lovely read that left me smiling.

New Tricks - Duncan/Methos. Methos accidentally adopts a dog. Because old misunderstood mutts need to stick together, right? This is such a heart-warming and heart-breaking read in equal measure. There’s an interesting ‘evil hunter of the week’ case too and lots of delicious domesticity. Also, Dog is awesome!

Save The Last Dance For Me - Duncan/Methos. Pretending to be boyfriends! \o/ This is a great rom-com where Duncan finally buys a clue. Unfortunately, Methos is not so convinced about the authenticity or longevity of said clue. Romance, angst, more romance! A bit more crying and schmoop than I strictly like but alas, I did thoroughly enjoy reading every single line of this so if you’re in mood for romance, give it a whirl.

Schiocchi - Duncan/Methos. Omniscient pov done really, really well. I loved the writing style, the way the author weaved sly humour and visceral, painful truth into something that looks deceptively simple yet peeled back layers and layers. Highly recced.

The Art of Teaching Nobody's Grasshopper - Duncan/Methos. I love it when Methos is capable. Here he ends up being capable around lots of bb!Immortals. Awww. Some really interesting OCs, would have happily read more about them.

Tilt - Duncan/Methos. Methos lends Duncan some new perspective in more ways than one. In the course of the evening they finally talk about some important things. An excellent character and relationship study and a lovely read.

The Velocity of Longing - Duncan/Methos. Reunion and then some, easy and sweet and with a warm sense of inevitability.

Winter’s End - Duncan/Methos. Flashbacks have a bad rep in this fandom (and for a reason, they were often hilariously awful in canon) but here they work really well, charting the relationship between Duncan and Connor.

Writing From Life - Duncan/Methos. Methos writes about his life to remind himself that he’s actually still living, that he’s real. Oh wow, this was excellently done, teetering on that edge of madness, tipping over and then back again. Lovely, lovely and achy.


fanfic rec, highlander

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