May 16, 2011 20:23

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Originally, this was a project I was gonna do myself. But, the more I thought about it, the more I realized how important a piece like this would be to the SE fandom, and the more I realized it should involve more than one person. So, this MEP was born. The purpose of this MEP is to bring the Baba Yaga arc we see in ink and screentones to life, to the canon music from the climax of the anime. I feel like Taku Iwasaki's wonderful work in these two songs deserves to be done justice, and the anime didn't quite get there. So, we will!

The MEP is structured to follow the events of the arc in canon order (thus rule 8 below), and tell the story of the arc in the editing medium. I suggest you keep this idea of storytelling in mind for your audition. There are lots of awesome editors out there, but the reasons I have the favorite editors I do is because they're good storytellers.

I know this will be my first ever hosted MEP, but because of the subject matter, I'm gonna be tough in my judging. Keep in mind that this is the type of MMV that will be universally valuable to the fandom, in terms of the meaning it has for the story, and the sheer . . . EPICNESS . . . of the project. Yeah. XD Make sure it's your best work, basically.

Concept: During the Baba Yaga arc, everyone is taking a gamble, with their lives, their hearts, and their sanity. The title for this MEP comes from this idea of all the things the characters are risking as they fight Arachnophobia. This MEP aims to capture all those gambles, with balance and editing grace.


o1. I am accepting MMV/DMV auditions only-all anime auditions will be rejected. I want to see how you edit with manga, since that's all this MEP will be.
o2. One editor per part, please. ^^
o3. No NC17 content, please.
o4. You can audition using any series you wish, whether it's manga or doujinishi.
o5. You don't have to create an audition especially for this MEP, any MMV/DMV will do. ^^
o6. Any genre is welcome-it doesn't have to be a series DMV/MMV.
o7. Either post your audition as a video response to this MEP video, or send it to me through a PM with "GAMBLE MEP: Your YouTube Name" in the subject line.
o8. If you get a part, you must edit using ONLY material from the events listed for it. No crossing over from other parts, or using other manga/doujin as stock. (For this I mean the parts that come from the manga, any design elements or stock photographs you wish to use are welcome ^^)
o9. Please don't rip or download the audio for this MEP. If you land a part, I'll be emailing you your audio section, along with the news that you got it. :D
o10. You MUST have fun, or I'll send Black Star after you with stick. XD

Along with your audition, please stick this form in your PM or the description (make sure you keep the questions with your answers, or I'll be confused):

YouTube screenname:
Email: (you can send this to me through a PM if you want, just say so here)
Fandoms (besides SE):
What should I call you?
What part would you like?
What character would you like to represent you? Maka, Soul, Black Star, Tsubaki, Kid, Liz, Patti, Mifune, or Medusa?

Have fun editing, and best of luck! It's gonna be AWESOME.

fandom: soul eater, media: video, media: visual, advertisement

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