Detroit has a notable Greektown, which quite a few fine restaurants. It's no longer a residential neighborhood, but it's still associated with the Greek immigrants who settled there.
It's so interesting, how neighbourhoods change. We have a couple of Little Italys in Toronto too, though the Italians have been moving to a more northern neighbourhood for a while. So one of them is gradually changing to Portugal instead.
I love the concentration of Greek restaurants and stores along Danforth Avenue, though, where we were on Friday night. Greek food is great! And with the odd exception, most of it is so healthy and not heavy.
they certainly do change. When I lived in Columbus chunks of the NW side were nothing but fields and now the whole area is a haven for Asians, great Chinese/Indian/Japanese food and festivals
I love the concentration of Greek restaurants and stores along Danforth Avenue, though, where we were on Friday night. Greek food is great! And with the odd exception, most of it is so healthy and not heavy.
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