documenta(13) - a vineyard in Kassel

Oct 22, 2012 21:49

Let's go back many eons ago... or at least back to July 2012... when I went to Kassel on a business trip, which was during this art exhibition.

After my boss and I had our rather less thrilling experience in the caves under the vineyard, we walked back into the city through the vineyard this time :-)

The vineyard itself dates back roughly to the 13th century, but hasn't been used to grow grapes since at least 1900 (although it got less and less in the decades before already).

Around 1900 the industrial family "Henschel" bought quite some part of the vineyard and made themselves a lovely new home there, including gardens and all. This staircase is part of the former garden.

More of the garden and its walls.

Other side.

If you go up the stairs and walk around a bit, you get this view. My boss and I absolutely couldn't figure out what this building must have looked like with windows, as we couldn't see any doors leading from one "room" to the other.
Well, and we couldn't see where the rooms started, as that point was basically in the wall right below us and we didn't want to risk falling down there. There was now way to get a proper look from any other point... well, maybe the houses across the street _._
I did look up the history of the vineyard though and found out that this building, where you can see the remains of, never had any windows, but must have been a simple storage facility, see HERE (bottom, middle)

This has nothing to do with the history of the vineyard, but all with "different continent, same picture".

Sculptures in the grass on the vineyard area.

Another sculpture.

One more sculpture. I'll leave it to your imagination what this is. It certainly looks VERY familiar to me *g*

And... bell sculptures. Lots of them.


Art is exiting, right?

germany, picspam

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