Japan 2012 - Day 1 - Copenhagen pt. 4 and Meiji Shrine

May 07, 2012 21:18

After we left the Tivoli in Copenhagen, we walked back to Nyhaven and had lunch there. We spent our last 290 DKK (~41 €) on the BLANDEST salmon pasta I've ever had (+ 2 drinks). The cook must have thought that salt was totally overrated, just like any other spices. Luckily they had salt and pepper on the table, but really... food is allowed to have some taste -.-;;

Then we took some more pics around Nyhaven and headed back to the airport.
Long, long flight were we learned that SAS doesn't allow you to chose the starting time of the movies, if you only paid for economy class -.-;

In Narita we got through immigration quite fast, picked up our luggage, bought the tickets for the Keisei Skyliner (4880 yen for a round trip + 2 one day passes for the metro) and we were off to our hotel.
When we first made our "schedule" for that day, I figured that we could arrive at the hotel at 12 PM. We were there five minutes later ^^;;;

Dropped our luggage in the hotel and then we went to Harajuku. As we still had a lot of time before meeting Paddy, we first went to the Johnny's Shop (empty), then one idol shop, checked the prices for KAT-TUN tickets at Gorakudoh and figured we could visit Meiji Shrine now.

We were too lazy to pose with the big toori at the entrance, so we just photographed other tourists doing that. Big toori is as impressive as ever ^^

Random park pic.

Barrels of sake donated to the Meiji Shrine.

And a close-up of the barrel I thought was the prettiest.

Opposite the sake barrels you can see these wine barrels from France.


The entrance to the shrine itself.

Random lantern.

Trees that get a lot of care and attention. They were cutting branches etc. when we were there. Do you see this one guy in the middle of the tree?

Reverse side of the entrance gate.

No pic of the shrine itself, as it not accessible for the public *g*

Side note: We bought our wedding rings and should get them in 10 to 14 days :-)

japan, picspam

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