Japan 2012 - Day 1 - Copenhagen pt. 3

May 06, 2012 20:05

And we are back in Denmark, today with the post about our short stay in the Tivoli, which is a very famous garden in Copenhagen, that comes with a few rides and lots of restaurants.
As I said before, the weather wasn't the best that day and kept changing every few minutes (see the white dots in the pic below? that's snow/hail). We arrived at the main entrance maybe three minutes before the Tivoli opened that day. The Tivoli season itself had only started two weeks prior, so it was very, very empty.

According to the park map this theatre is used for pantomime. Nothing going on at 11 AM on a Tuesday in April though ^^;;;

This building is the NIMB. It used to house a very good restaurant, but then it was re-modeled and now hosts a hotel with just 13 suits (and some smaller restaurants). Stays start from 3500 DKK (~500 €).

There is a bigger pond/small lake in the garden. In summer you can enjoy your stay there and rent a small rowboat.

Quite tired tourist walking around the pond.

More lake + sakura trees.

Spot the little boat under the sakura trees.

The pagode hosts a Japanese restaurant.

I assume that during summer they'll have some bigger events on this stage (well, as big as possible for this small garden ;-) ).
Right now you can relax on the green in front of the stage.

And another fountain :-)

denmark, picspam

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