Japan 2012 - Day 1 - Denmark pt.2

May 03, 2012 20:04

Today's post is solely dedicated to the 10 minute walk we needed to get from the point where we left the boat to the Tivoli :-)

We walked straight to the city centre of Copenhagen and saw...

This is the "Storkespringvandet" (Stork Fountain), which is about 120 years old.

Random picture of the pavement on Amagertorv, which is the main shopping street. It looked so much better than the normal pavement in Germany.

Helligåndskirken (Church of the Holy Ghost). It is surrounded by buildings all over, so that is really the best shot we could get.
Please note the little bit of blue on the right of the picture. The weather was getting better and worse and better again throughout the whole day.

This is the "Guldæblespringvandet" (Golden Apple Fountain), which is the oldest fountain in Copenhagen and apparently over 400 years old.

And a close-up.

Then we crossed over the "Rådhuspladsen" (City Hall Square). This is the view into the direction we came from.

I only notice this building for real, when I looked through our pictures. McDonalds, Burger King and KFC? But basically everybody who wants to walk from the station to the shopping streets will have to pass by this building, so it makes sense...

And the City Hall itself.

Last fountain for today. This is "Dragespringvandet" (Dragon Fountain), which - if Chrome translates correctly - was moved some 60 years ago from its original location on the City Hall Square to its current location, due to construction works.

denmark, picspam

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