My week...

Oct 09, 2010 19:19

Was at the client's office on Thursday and Friday for my current horror manual and... Friday at noon we decided to screw everything I've done so far (50 pages+).
YEAH! not really.
But our current approach to the topic seems much better.
That's what you get if you only get to see the item you describe weeks after you've started. HMPF.

Went to see "The last Airbender" today. In 3-D. And we recall: 3-D + usual glasses = OUCH for your nose ;_;

Afterwards we stopped at Primark. I saw some elegant shorts I could wear in office, but of course they didn't have them in my size anymore (they only had two pairs left anyway -.-;;; )

To give you at least one picture, you get our dinner from last Saturday. Falafel with pita bread + my first try at tzaziki (wasn't a complete failure and much easier than I thought)

shopping, work, food, daily life

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