New Game

Oct 14, 2010 21:55

I've bought a new game for the Wii yesterday - and tried it today.

You start with a body check... which resulted in me KNOWING where my body will ache tomorrow _._
I still can't do any press-ups. Anyone surprised?

A lot of the body shaping exercises I know already from my one work-out DVD for abs, legs and tummy, so I guess those will be okay.
Other exercises I don't know yet and they look somewhat difficult ^^;;;

Fun games are included too, a few of them ARE fun *LOVES bobsled* others are not so much (due to a BAD manual! If I need to press the A-button for some task to get carried out, is it THAT difficult to say so in the manual and/or explanation in the game? HMPF!)

I'm looking forward to all the work-out I can do there and the bobsled and the rope jumping ^^;;; (thank goodness that we live in the first floor. Apart from the bikes in the basement, I doubt anyone will complain when I jump around here all the time ^^;;; )

The only annyoing part? The games keeps saying "go faster/slower" ALL the time during the work-out. And then suggests you go at the speed of the coach. If you are doing it at her speed, you are back at "go faster" -.-;;;

sports, games

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