Business trips are dangerous

Sep 26, 2009 19:39

Yesterday evening I returned from the two-day-trip to Kassel. Bruised ^^;;;

Random information:
I stayed in a hotel different from the usual one and only then noticed that we were really lucky that the trip was post-poned two times, because last week was the Connichi in Kassel = all hotels would have been full ^^;;;
My hotel was basically still in the heart of Kassel. I just had to cross one street and the main shopping street started there. Huge room for myself, internet was wonky and only worked properly in the lobby. Oh well... it was just for two days.

We were in Kassel to do some research for the simulation model (used for training the staff) and for the tank itself.
First the model. I hit my head inside when I wanted to exit the model and didn't pay attention to the ceiling, but my notes... five minutes later I tried to remove some device. Made of cheap plastic and sharp edges... small cut in my hand. No blood though ^^;;;

In the evening we went to eat at "Maredo", because I always wanted to know what they offer. Not bad, but nothing special either...
During dinner suddenly my boss called and I went to some quiet area in the restaurant. On the way there was one greasy spot on the floor. Didn't notice that one, of course, slipped and could hardly catch my fall, due to the phone in my right hand. My knees caught most of it and my left elbow some.
Immidiately afterwards the knees only hurt a bit, like normal if you scraped your knees - but as of this morning I'm sporting three big bruises on my knees and one more on my elbow -.-;;;;;;;;;;;
And the new tights I was wearing that evening don't look that good anymore either -.-;

Friday: The tank itself tried to eat my hair ;_; Somehow a strand got caught somewhere. Nothing bad though...

BUT: I think we managed to get most of what we still needed for the manuals. Some questions couldn't be answered because the responsible person is still on their holidays... _._

i am stupid, work

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