So... Japan...

Sep 30, 2009 19:59

I stumble across some promotion today.
Lufthansa offers a round-trip to Japan (via Frankfurt) for 525 €. Flight has to be booked until tomorrow _._

Now, I usually go with Air France, but their price is 800 € atm (might become a bit cheaper in the next months, but I'll doubt they'll ever be below 600 €). I thought I could continue collecting miles with Air France (the upgrade to business class is almost there...), but then again almost 300 € less are so much that I want to disregard the miles and just save some money.

Has anyone ever used Lufthansa? How is their food? Any good or bad experiences?

I was thinking about going from January 18th till February 6th.
Gives me enough time for Takki, that Jr-whatever-it-is-stuff, visiting Nagoya and dragon_soda (who sadly is without internet atm, I think ^^;;;) and maybe even Hokkaido.
I wish I could decide LATER, when I know more about what plays, concerts etc will be in that time frame. Not possible now.

Doushio... Ack! Why are promotions always that short? Deciding until tomorrow _._



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