Day 9 - Hiraizumi

Jan 30, 2009 13:37

Okay, first of all the food pictures from yesterday - and two pics from Shibuya posters

This is the lunch of junklover

And this is my lunch (the half-cooked omuraisu):

and my dinner (tofu + chicken + soup and vegetables):

And here we have some HUGE ads ^^


Then we start with today and getting up at 7:30. I left home about one hour later and had checked the homepage of JR East before and they said, I could exchange my voucher at several places in Tokyo. One of them being Ueno. The train I wanted to take would stop there, so I thought I might just as well exchange my voucher against the real JR pass there.
Well... guess again - did not work. They sent me to Tokyo.
Arrived there and asked the first ticket counter whether I could exchange it there. Nope, please do this at the Yaesu-exit. And from there "to the left", "no, we are sorry, over there", "ah, yes, please go to the next counter", "ah, no, the counter over there". FINALLY! I was only slightly annoyed at that point. Then it took them a while to actually exchange it and I learned my lesson that the best place to exchange the voucher is directly at the airport -.-

Well, I left Tokyo station at 9:56 and arrived in Hiraizumi about 12:30. Which is pretty fast if you consider how far up in the north Hiraizumi is ^^;;;
When I arrived there, I had left the rain from Tokyo behind, but it caught up a while later _._

Well, that's lots of kanji, but I came here for two of them ^_~

The following are the view from the memorial place and then the Yoshitsune memorial place itself + statue.
It's a bit up on the hill... next time Tono should find another place to fight his final battle _._ (okay, Chuuson-ji in Hiraizumi is MUCH worse)


After I had been there, I walked over to Motsu-ji, temple area, just that currently there is hardly anything left.
Most places where once buildings stood, look like this by now:

They put signs next to it, explaining what once was there. It's kind of like "You could have seen this and that - if you had been here earlier... 500 - 1000 years ago" _._

Currently, at least to me, Motsu-ji is just a huge pond, with trees, signs and very few buildings.
There is one artificial river from ancient times, where in spring the poets would sit next too, read there poems and then drink from the sake that would be on little boats on the river. In winter that river looks not that exciting ^^;;;

More random pics:
For the statue: The jewel in its hand is supposed to bring good luck, if you believe in the power of it ^_^


Does the following look familiar to you???

And? AND? One candy for everyone who recognises this ^^;;;
I waited quite some time, but no white horse showed up...

Another "guess where I was" pic (you get candies for this one too!)

And because vc_mel asked for it, here is the stack of pictures I bought. The CD is a very normal one, just that you have something to compare it to.

japan, picspam

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