Day 8 - Museum + Takarazuka

Jan 29, 2009 16:23

Met this morning with junklover in front of Shibuya station and then we went of for some delicious food (had half-cooked omuraisu). The restaurant was filled with almost only women, just one guy ^^;;; Apparently, salary men go to eat somewhere else, if at all ^^;;;

Then quick stop a Mandarake (got your "Signal" CD @vc_mel), then an alternative store for some spices and chocolate for Mie (and no, not THAT alternative ^_~, this is Japan and not The Netherlands ^^;;; ) and then off to the museum in Ueno.
Special exhibition about the Myoshinji, which was interesting, but more more BEAUTIFUL *.*

From there to Yurakucho for dinner (and giving my poor feet some rest ^_~), then we went to the Takarazuka theatre.
To be honest, I had read about the content of the play/musical part once before, but didn't take the time to read it again. Which I should have done - about ten times. The story of the play was highly complicated and they lost me after about five minutes ;_; Every now and then I got a bit about what was going on, but overall... way over my head.
The revue part went MUCH better and was simply amazing! All I can say is "feathers" and the more important, the more feathers you get and the longer they are. I have no idea how the topstar managed to walked with... uhm... about 200 feathers of 2 m length on the back ^^;;;

Afterwards we saw the masses of people who had already lined up for demachi... and there I thought at Dream Boys there were lots of people _._
As Mie's bus would only leave a while later, we wanted to get a coffee in Tokyo station, but all the stores there had decided to close just when we arrived -.- So we just sat down and talked, until it was time to part.
Hope you got home just fine! *waves at junklover* I had a really nice day today ^_____________^

(too lazy to upload the food pictures of today, will follow tomorrow m(_ _)m )

musicals, japan

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