One of my flisters (thank you sjwashere) made a thought-provoking post about a controversy that recently happened concerning an Australian show about advertising called The Gruen Transfer. One segment of the show, called "The Pitch", challenges two different advertising agencies to come up with an ad based on a "difficult sell" concept. Donating money to
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60 years ago today, after the horrors of World War II, the world came together at the United Nations to unanimously pass the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This declaration states that every human being deserves dignity, freedom and respect and lays out the details in thirty fundamental articles that specify freedoms that belong to all of
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Yes, I do support the writers, mainly because I cannot understand why the people who craft the words get zero respect in the Hollywood system. Thanks to ingrid_m for the link!
I was originally going to post a full-blown foaming rant about the LJ crackdown and the "organization" that triggered it. Then I saw how much rant was already out there, realized how tired I am right now, and opted for a quieter approach. Behind the cut you will find links to various explanations of what has happened and why, plus a few bits of
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Found in an entry over on chocoholicsThe FDA is considering changing the definition of chocolate so that manufacturers can call items without cocoa butter chocolate. They're also proposing to allow milk substitutes in products labeled as milk chocolate. This would allow "mockolate" to fit the requirements to be labeled as chocolate, a change being backed by
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... and right now I can't think of a better reason to respond to randomnomo's nudge and finally post something, something that really needs to be shared.
This made me *snifl* at times, but in the best possible way. ^_^