Go Away!

Oct 10, 2008 11:06

Ranting over the in laws

Okay, seriously, I know most people have trouble with their in laws. I totally get that I am not alone in that. However, this weekend I am the one being forced to visit with a woman who openly admits to hating me. She has made no secret of it, and will tell anyone who will listen that her son married  beneath him and could have done so much better. I can take the personal jabs, but she treats my kids the same way. They are never good enough. She is constantly telling my son he is too girly. How the hell is he too girly? Just because he doesn't want to play football? Big deal. The kid is naturally gifted in music and art.  Yes, he likes playing soccer but that is not his real interest. I am not going to force him to play sports if that isn't what he wants to do. Besides, he is only 8! My daughter isn't good enough because she is wasting herself. I should still be putting her in pageants. I will admit when she was a baby I did put her in quite a few, but as soon as she said she didn't want to do them we stopped. To hear my mother in law tell it I should force my son into sports and strong arm my daughter into being a beauty queen. No thank you!

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