License To Breed Please

Oct 08, 2008 19:49

Rant over the bad parenting of some...I'm a conservative parent, and I get that some people aren't. I totally get that. What I don't get is why some are so lax they put their children at risk. Do they honestly think it makes them look cool? That they are doing their kids a favor? Seriously, I would love to know why some parents act as foolishly as they do.

For instance a good friend of mine was working out in the private gym supplied by her apartment complex. About fifteen minutes into her workout a woman with two toddlers comes in. Now, I know some people are okay with little kids in a gym but I am not one of them, nor is my friend. She tried not to say anything but when the kids started throwing dum bells at each other she had to. She told the woman her kids could get hurt and maybe the gym wasn't the place for them. The woman went postal. Told my friend she was a bitch and asked if she had kids, to which my friend said no, she was too busy with her career, but if she did have them she wouldn't let them play on dangerous gym equipment. Naturally the mother did not like this and said it was a good thing my friend didn't have kids because she would be a horrible mother. If that wasn't enough, she told her she was going to have her fuckign husband beat the fuck out of her stupid cunty ass. Keep in mind her kids are still there, listening. My friend didn't want to use her attorney card, but the woman wouldn't stop physically threatening her. So, my friend told her flat out that she was a state attorney and was a personal friend of the D.A. Needless to say that shut the woman up and she left. After that my friend wrote the complex a letter explaining what happened and citing several liability lawsuits that could result if a child was hurt in the gym.

I get that some people are fine with kids and gyms. i am not. A boy here was killed by a weight when his sister threw it at him, hitting him in the head. Fingers can be cut off in excercise bikes or smashed in a pulley system. Legs or hands can be maimed in tread mills. If a child doesn't know these dangers and are allowed to play without supervision those thigns can happen or worse.

bad parenting

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