Finally, a Masterlist!

May 31, 2018 19:49

So I never thought I needed one of these, but my amount of completed and posted fics is in the forties *cough* sixties now, so for organization's sake, I've tediously compiled a master list. Which will probably make fic perusing more fun for you. :) Or you can continue to use my feeble tags, whatever pleases you.

Ninth Doctor/Rose
(In descending order from most recent.)

Jump. Oh she really shouldn't be here. She should just slip out into the falling dark, hope that time would fix itself. Adult-ish
In the Light. Sequel to "In the Dark." There was no indication that she’d nearly been caught with her hands down the Doctor’s trousers.
In the Dark. The ever-present tension between them had increased to electric proportions. She was sure she wasn’t imagining it. Adult-ish
No Rest For The... 1, 2. Sequel to "Restless." Rose had a way of making him forget the few rules he actually lived by. Adult
Restless. She’d been dying to know just how like a human he could be in this respect.

Tenth Doctor/Rose

Shifts They had all this long night, after all, in this little bed, by the fire, beneath a storm. Adult
Less Complicated 1, 2. (Note: Also contains Ten/Reinette pairing) From the uncrowned queen of France to the shop girl off the Powell Estate, the Doctor didn’t have to do a thing and hearts were thrown at his feet.
Elaboration. Prequel to "At Light Speed." Oh yes, he wanted her. Adult
At Light Speed. The colours danced all over the cavern. Every surface seemed alive and glowing. Adult
Look Up. She sensed that this trip wasn’t a random journey.
Up Against. Another alley. Another rough wall. Adult
Synonyms. 1, 2, 3. Collaboration fic with requialexa. She held her breath, waiting for his questions, but none came. Instead, he rolled closer, towards her, and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her snugly against him. Adult
Of Inappropriate Awakenings. His instinct, the origin of which he probably shouldn’t dwell on, was to wake her. Adult
Conductive. His touch felt nothing short of heavenly. Like a cold flannel on feverish skin. Adult
Mad, Bad (The Auld Acquaintance Remix). That first New Year’s Eve. The flip side of Shareen’s POV, and some of what she didn’t see.
Dancing, Mid-night. Rose: doing the impossible in her sleep.
Preserve Your Memories. A stroll down snogging memory lane, if you like.
Surprises. “You’re not going to tell me?”
Because the Night. Terribly rude of us, as visitors, not to participate.
Guesswork. Who wears a suit to a pumpkin patch, anyway?
Ruler of the Roost. Sequel to "Forever, Redux." AU. Is it too much to ask for a little of her undivided attention?
Uncomplicated. AU They clutch each other tightly, like something might yet come between them.
Dance. AU. The dance floor was the perfect place to find a bit of anonymity, and a bit of release for her excess energy.
Forever, Redux. Sequel to "Master of His Domain." AU. Some hugging, vows of love, and some frankly fantastic sex would not magically heal him.
Master of His Doman. The doctor learns there may well be a higher authority.
In For a Penny. he knew now that if he shot her down it wouldn’t be because he wasn’t interested. He was. He might yet need a push, though-a clear, unambiguous signal that she wanted it too. Adult
Halcyon and On and On. 1, 2. Sequel to "Bind Me, Or Undo Me." The Doctor did nothing by halves. Adult
Substantiation. He’s real.
Staying the Storm. What had him so frightened that he’d willingly tip-toe over a line that had been so carefully drawn between them? Adult
Bind Me, Or Undo Me. Whatever happened (or didn’t happen), the journey was worth it.
Warming Up. She knew him so well, his Rose. Adult
Gorgeous. Post-reunion fluffy drabble!
Home Comforts. The Doctor brings Rose home after Mickey stays behind in the alt!verse. What happens before they are happy-go-lucky would-be Elvis seeing time travellers again? Adult
Haven. 1, 2, 3. He wasn’t sure why he’d suddenly decided, earlier, to throw caution to the wind. Adult

Ten II/Rose

Something Undone She was not, she told herself, seducing him. That’s not why she was here. Adult
Something Done She could never stand to see the Doctor in pain.
Needs Must No one but them seemed to be out in this downpour. Adult
Priorities Bed. Fluff. Drabble.
Not The Least Bit Sleepy She loves when he just lets go; when he sees there are some definite benefits to being human. Adult
Etched On Me. "It’s perfect,” he said, tracing the flawlessly rendered loops and swirls of his native text. Adult
New Everything. "What are you thinking?" Drabble and a half.
Tell Me a Secret. Double drabble.
Sumblimation. 1, 2. He should have had a lot on his mind. But there was only her. Adult
The Next Day. Words didn't seem large enough to express what they were feeling.
Half the Fun. If he’d learned anything in his long life...
Appetiser. Oh how she'd missed this. Adult
Day I Know Everything?. “Oh Rose, you’re a wonderful teacher.”
Who, me?. Double drabble. Same 'verse as "Bind Me, or Undo Me." 2 years post Journey’s End, the Doctor and Rose see a familiar face.
Winnowing + 8h. Coda to "Winnowing." Everyone has their issues.
Try, Try Again. Was he about to be slapped by a 4-year old
You Know I'm No Good. Drabble. The Doctor is all talk. Or is he? Adult
Sounds. Double drabble. Someone should make a study... Adult
Winnowing. She tries desperately to separate the two of them, while he tries to convince her that he is the same man. Adult
Beginning. Oh this wasn’t going to be easy, was it?

Multiple Doctors/Rose

Three Phone Calls. Nine, Ten, Ten II. For some reason, he didn’t want her leaving the ship.
Three Times He Almost Said the Words, and One Time He Did. Nine, Ten, Ten II. He needed to tell her how he felt.
Looking In. Donna and Jackie on Doctor/Rose. Oh she felt like a proud mama bear…
Sometimes. Ten, Ten II. It wasn’t fair to either of them.

Rose Alone

The Messenger. Post "Doomsday," set in the alt!verse. Someone has something to tell Rose.

Ten Alone

Pub Quiz. We’ve got most of this basket of chips, Doc, and you’ve got a story to tell.
Before Goodbye. Two double drabbles, missing scenes from Journey's End, from the Doctor's perspective.
Regrets. Post Utopia ficlet (so AU after that), the Doctor and Martha have a much needed chat.

Multiple Doctors (no Rose)

Moving On. “You’ve broken the rules of time,” he says standing by the bed. Ten/Nine. Adult

master list

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