Collaboration Fic: Synonyms (3/3)

Jan 15, 2010 06:57

Title: Synonyms
Authors: requialexa and karenor
Character/Pairing: Ten/Rose
Rating: Adult
Summary: She held her breath, waiting for his questions, but none came. Instead, he rolled closer, towards her, and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her snugly against him.
Disclaimer: If we owned these characters, we'd see this on telly. Or at least there'd be cuddles. In bed.
Authors' Notes: Smut clichés, hurray! This unashamedly takes on a couple and frolics with them. Set firmly in happy Series 2. Mostly fluffy smut (smuff!). Should we tell you this took us about two years to write? Probably not.

-Part One-
-Part Two-

Part Three

They lay together in silence for some time, and he found he couldn't tear his eyes away. She filled his senses entirely; the rumpled beauty of her tousled hair, the flush that still stung her cheeks, the scent of her desire still simmering beneath the surface of her skin.

She turned just her head on the pillow next to his and nearly startled him as she said, “I should have known you’d like snogging,” with delighted laughter in her voice.

She still looked slightly dazed, like all of this was unbelievable to her. Every day he showed her the wonders of the universe, but what was really astounding to her was that they’d finally acted on their desires. He marvelled with her.

“Why wouldn’t I? It’s very…” he searched for the word, “…nice.” He grimaced inwardly at the choice.

“Nice?” She shifted to her side to look at him better.

“Mmm,” he agreed, briefly pulling her to him to steal another intense kiss. “Nice, marvelous, tremendous,” he drew out the last word and the next, “Fantastic.” He released her and lay back again.

“Quite the thesaurus tonight, you are, Doctor.”

“Yes, well, English doesn’t always have the words to describe what I’d really like to say,” he told her seriously, hoping she might perceive the undercurrent that he intended for those words.

“But about the snogging,” he continued after a moment. “I’m afraid I’ve let the idea preoccupy me lately, kissing you. Ever since I-” he halted, catching himself before he discussed anything that happened on the game station. “Well, I’ve been wanting to for quite a while. Was even dreaming about it before you so rudely woke me up. About New Earth and Cassandra."

A vague alarm flew into her eyes.

“I was dreaming about you,” he clarified. “In my dream it was you, just you. You weren’t possessed. My waking desires slipping into my dreams, I suppose. Because…” he stumbled over the admission, not used to such bald confession. “Ever since that very odd day, Rose, I wanted it to be you, wanted you to grab me like that.”

“You,” she said unsurely, “still think about that day? That kiss?”

“All the time.” His eye contact was deliberate, measured.

“Me too,” she said and then ducked her head against his chest to hide her blush.

That was Rose for you, more than half naked, floating in a mutual post-orgasmic haze, and she still blushed at admitting she’d been thinking about kissing him. It made his hearts clench in adoration for her.

He ran his hand over her hair and she looked up at him. “Tell me about your dream, Rose.”

“It was nothing. You know just a nightmare. You were gone, or I was. Lost, we were both lost. It's really...” she waved her hand indicating vagueness. “Indistinct,” she finished, frustrated that there weren't better words.

He didn't push her to recount it, only stated, “It's good to have nightmares.”

She scooted back up, her head level with his on the pillow, eying him curiously. “Why?”

“First off, nightmares mean you have fear. Fear keeps you from getting cocky, from getting complacent. Without it, you might get overconfident, make stupid mistakes. That's an important quality for a Time Lord's companion. Especially for one as jeopardy friendly as you.”

She rewarded him with a small smile, and he continued. “Secondly, your nightmare brought you here, to my bed.”

“Brought me to your room,” she corrected. “You brought me to your bed.”

“Did I?” He pretended innocence. Though he hadn't been fully awake, he clearly remembered dragging her into bed with him.

“Yeah, you did.” She grinned, but her expression turned serious again quickly. "But...” she started then stopped, apparently thinking better of it.

“You're wondering, ‘Why now?’”

“I... ”she sighed, "I'm wondering why... any of it. You've never said anything Doctor, and I never thought-”

“Rose.” He cut her off and pulled her to him, loving the crush of her breasts between their bodies, and was momentarily distracted by the intense desire to touch her again. “Maybe I thought it was complicated. And maybe I just figured out it wasn't.” He kissed her, demonstrating how simple all of this really was. He swept his tongue into her mouth, revelling in the taste of her, the sweetness of her mouth contrasting with the sharp tang of her hormones. That pure Rose taste that was so much more than nice. He pulled back when she moaned into his mouth, began to move her body against his.

“Besides,” he continued, stroking the bare skin of her back, “It was a bit too late to go on carrying on like we'd been doing. Not much I could hide from you when you were pressed up against me in bed.”

“Kinda like now?” She gave him a wicked smile and shifted against him, eliciting from him a low groan.

“Kinda like now,” he agreed. He endured her lovely wiggling for a few more moments before he gently chided her. “Rose, be still a second." He lay back and pulled her atop him. “Can we..." he hesitated, sliding his fingertips into the waistband of her shorts, "get these out of the way?"

She nodded assent and he slid his palms over her backside, drawing down her clothing as he went. She wriggled just enough to help him get her free of her shorts and knickers and then, deliciously naked, she kissed him wetly before shimmying down his legs.

She gripped the waistband of his pyjama trousers, looked up at him and grinned, her hair falling in her face. “We can get rid of these, too, yeah?” she teased, fingers just caressing his skin. He was so disoriented by her touch, by her warm breath on his skin, that he was naked almost before he could gasp out his agreement.

He blinked up at her as she straddled him, the warmth between her legs pressed to the bare skin of his belly. He let his eyes rove over her nude form, loving this brief moment of being at her mercy. She bit her lip like she was considering something and then she leaned forward, her bum rubbing against his cock as she shifted. He stifled a groan as her hands landed at either side of his head and she brought her lips to his ear as if she was going to whisper something to him. Instead she licked, slowly from just behind it, to his jaw. He turned his head to intercept her mouth, stealing the next kiss and drawing it out.

He slid a hand down from her neck to her breast, caressing her there, sliding a hardened nipple between his fingers. She mewed into his kiss and he could see her arms beginning to quiver. He shifted his mouth to her neck, kissed and licked her there. But wanting better leverage, more control, he took hold of her arms, pulled her flush to him and quickly rolled them so that he was above her.

She gave a surprised yelp to find herself suddenly on her back again, but she certainly didn't seem to mind the turn of events when he nuzzled at her neck by her collar bone, finding the spot that he already knew she liked, the one that when he sucked the skin there caused her to throw an arm around him to hold him in place. He smiled against her skin and set his hands to work again as well, sliding over her ribcage, over her breasts, teasing her nipples again.

Needing to taste more of her, he slowly moved his mouth southward along her body, mapping the subtle differences in the flavours of her skin. Saltier there between her breasts, sweeter there along their tops. The glorious texture of her nipple in his mouth, he thought he might never tire of.

When he slid his body between her thighs and his lips found her stomach, kissing her delicately about the navel, she began to squirm in earnest beneath him. He wondered if he dared move lower, to taste her properly, to bring her to completion again. To make real those dreams he hadn't told her about.

As he deliberated, breathing in her scent, trying to decide whether or not he could hold off on his own increasing need long enough to please her, her fingers found his hair, just resting there gently. He looked up at her for the first time in minutes. What he saw took his breath away and the lazy grin he was giving her faltered. Never had he seen someone look at him like that, with such intense desire. Her dark eyes, her moist, parted mouth...

“What?” she asked.

With barely more than a thought, he crawled back up her body, drawn in by that look; her eyes captivating him, welcoming him. The look he'd remember forever as Rose.

Poised over her, holding his weight off of her, he nuzzled her cheek, still unwilling to truly break the eye contact. He watched her face as he brushed his chest against hers, as he settled between her thighs, pressed lightly there.

“Oh,” she said, understanding.

She craned her neck up to him, seeking his mouth, but he dodged a bit, compromising by resting his forehead against hers, remembering the position from earlier, loving being this close to her.

At this distance he couldn't maintain eye contact but he could take back some semblance of control. He breathed deeply and caressed her cheek with the back of his hand and then tilted her head so he could kiss her again, deeply.

She angled her hips, making more room for him at their juncture, and he couldn't help but thrust just a bit through her wetness. She moaned and he answered her in kind, teasing her mouth with his tongue. She slipped a hand between them and stroked him once firmly, and then guided him to her entrance, throwing him off-kilter again. Unsteadily, he pushed his hips forward, sliding just into her, not quite ready for the intense onslaught of sensation.

Her low purr of approval as he pushed deeper turned breathy as he tilted his hips just so. He braced himself on one arm above her head so that he could grip her hip, her arse, anything to regain his lost footing, and hold her still so he could get his bearings.

But she felt so amazing as he began to move within her, so soft and warm and perfectly shaped for him. He heard himself make a guttural noise as she dragged her fingernails over his belly. He opened eyes he hadn't known he'd closed to see her watching their bodies coming together-straining her neck to see where he disappeared into her.

Watching her watch them was almost too much to take. He thrust harder then, wanting to catch her off guard, wanting to jar her senses and make her come undone before he lost it himself.

She gasped and reached out with both arms, looking for something to hold on to. He fought to keep watching her even as the pleasure washing through him made his eyes start to roll back in his head. One of her hands found his, on her hip, the other reached up to grip his neck. She wasn't so much trying to pull him down, he guessed, as trying to hold on. He pushed into her even faster still, setting up a fractured staccato rhythm punctuated by the sound of their bodies coming together and the small, beautiful, desperate cries issuing from her mouth.

“I'm nuh-” he heard himself breathe out, trying to warn her that he couldn't go much longer.

He didn't miss her flash him a wicked grin in response.

Trying to delay the inevitable, he spared a thought to wonder how it was that he'd wanted all the control here and had almost none and how she'd so quickly driven him so close to the edge. He breathed deeply and tried to slow the pace of his thrusts, just holding on.

She did pull him down then, his arms coming around her, his lips sliding to her temple. He felt the pulse of her thoughts there and backed away, distracting himself from his body's eager response by tasting more of hers. He kissed her again, matching the pace of his mouth to that of his hips.

He wished she had freckles to count as he pulled back and fought to catch his breath. He sucked again on her lower lip and then licked a trail down her neck. She was deliciously saltier now from exertion and he lapped up as much as he could reach-her collar bones, her shoulders, her breasts.

He felt like he'd possibly, finally reined in his uncontrolled response to her, and could just bask in the sensations of being surrounded quite literally by his Rose. But then she made a different noise, a tiny, unintentional sound, and as it passed through his great big Time Lord brain it made his pace falter. It was enough to push her to her climax.

He could hear her trying to hold back, trying not to cry out loudly. “Go on...” he managed to breathe in her ear before he pulled back to watch her come.

She lay there before him, her mouth open on her shout, head thrown back, arching towards him. The vision of her lost to the sensations he'd created within her, along with the powerful clenching of her muscles around him, shattered what was left of the small bit of control he'd been holding on to.

He couldn't hold himself away from her as he felt the orgasm ripping its way through him. He fell upon her, gripping her tightly, hoping not to hurt her, and pressed his face next to hers as wave after wave of ecstasy washed over him.

Again his mind brushed hers and, momentarily lost to his body, he was helpless to stop the intrusion. What he saw then, like what he'd seen in her eyes earlier, stole his breath: he saw himself in a flash moving above her, but what's more, he felt what she was feeling for him in that moment. He heard words neither of them had ever spoken. Shocked by the depth of her emotion, he rushed headlong out of her consciousness, tumbling and sputtering.

Rose lay beneath him gasping, her clutching hands relaxing as she recovered. Her eyes flashed a question at the abruptness with which he pulled his head away from hers, but he saw no signs that she knew he'd seen what he'd seen.

Collecting himself, he stored the information to ponder later; he wanted to enjoy this moment with her, not panic about what it meant for them and their future. The site of her beneath him, flushed and sated in the warmth of afterglow was enough to calm his racing hearts.

Bracing himself on one arm, he caressed her cheek, thumbing her mouth, and then smoothed his hand down her chest, grazing her breast, skimming her hip, and finally clutching her around the waist again. A short low noise escaped him and he registered it as a possessive growl, before wondering where the instinct came from.

She smiled up at him, and giggled and he had to kiss her again before easing away from her and onto his side beside her.

“Rose Tyler,” he said, studying her.

“That’s me,” she beamed.

And suddenly he wanted to tell her everything. Tell her what he’d seen in her head, tell her that he felt it all just the same, if not more powerfully. To draw her into his hearts as she’d drawn him into her body. To tell her that’d he’d never met anyone like her in his centuries of living and that he wanted nothing more than to devote himself to her completely for the rest of her life.

Blimey, sex made him emotional.

He ran a hand through his hair, considering. He decided while all true, such a confession might scare her right out of his bed, whether or not she shared the sentiments.

“What is it?” she whispered, sliding her hand along his jaw, eyes full of concern.

“You’re…” he began. “That was…” he tried again.

“Not quite a thesaurus anymore?” She grinned at him, her teasing little pink tongue peeking out at him through her teeth.

“Uh...” He lay back, looked at the ceiling for inspiration. Only Rose could render him speechless.

“I'll take that as a compliment, then,” she chirped and plucked at one of his arms and brought it behind her as she slid her body around his, snuggling into him.

He made a soft noise of contentment as he held her close. Maybe words weren't necessary at all right now. After several quiet minutes in which he thought she might be falling asleep, she broke the silence.

“You were in my head, right there at the end, yeah?”

Oh. Nothing got by Rose. But she said it like she was just curious, without anger or recrimination.

“I'm sorry. It was an accident, heat of the moment, all that. I... did you feel it?”

She shook her head. “You looked guilty. I didn't think it was because of the... you know.”

“Tremendous shagging?” he supplied.

She giggled. “Yeah, that.” She shifted, lifted her head to catch his eye. “See anything interesting?”

“Your thoughts,” he half-lied, “weren't exactly coherent.” He grinned cheekily at her.

“Oi, don't sound so smug, Mr. Made Speechless a Few Minutes Ago.”

“Yes, well done, you. Speechless, senseless, breathless, spineless, a whole host of other -lesses. Feel free to try and render me something-less any time you like.”

She sighed. “Knew it wouldn't last.”

He chuckled and she settled against him again. Another few moments of silence passed before she spoke again, breath warm against his chest, “Any time?”

“Any time,” he confirmed. “Starting tomorrow.” He was rewarded with another giggle.

Soon, though, her body relaxed fully against his and her breathing evened out in sleep. He placed a gentle kiss over her hair and willed her a peaceful rest in his arms, that she not be troubled anymore tonight by nightmares.

He sighed happily, listening to the steady beat of her heart-a clock counting down to her waking-and began to think about their tomorrow.


collaboration, fluff, tenth doctor smut, tenth doctor

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