(no subject)

Jun 02, 2008 01:24

 This morning I was alerted to the fire at Universal through a bunch of phone calls and cell phone messages. I was supposed to have been at work today, but I called in sick. I am in tomorrow, so I will get the scoop then!

Last night, we did the "Relay For Life" event. It is a twenty-four hour event, where participants walk around a track to raise money for The American Cancer Society. My friend, Shannah, was the chairwoman for her Jaycee group, so we participated as part of their group. We had the 12-2am time slot. We didn't really walk at a fast pace, but we managed to go a little over six miles in the two hours. I haven't been exercising, so it made me sore. This was the primary reason for calling in sick. I had forgotten to request Sunday off and we got home super late. It was also emotionally draining. The event has something called they Illuiminaria, where you can buy a bag with a candle in it for someone who has died or survived cancer. We got one for my mom and one for Marc's stepmom. The bags lined the entire track, hundreds of them. At first, I tried looking for my mom and Susan, but I couldn't find them. Then I just started to get overwhelmingly sad, looking at all of the names and how some were personalized with pictures and messages. It got to me. and I was spent by the time I hit the bed. I slept until noon today.

Saw Indiana Jones and was really disappointed. That was the script that they held out for??? Really???

On Saturday we spent nearly four hours at Home Depot. We had to pick up the flooring that they are going to install on Wednesday. We thought they were going to bring it, but it turns out that it was our responsibility to get it to our house. Of course, we don't have a truck, so it took three trips. Also. Home Depot did not have our order prepared, so it was a lot of waiting around. Communication was terrible. We decided that their motto should be, "Home Depot, you can do it, We won't help." 
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