Aug 20, 2010 11:03

Last day of my last ever summer vacation.  And I'm at work.  Fail.

You know what the worst part is of getting a cavity (or three) filled?  How your teeth don't line up quite the same way after and for the next two days you feel like your jaw is an inch or so out of alignment (when in fact it's probably more like a fraction of a mm).  I hate that feeling.

And now, the first answers to the Top 5 meme I posted last night.  I'm still taking more questions, so go ask them!

Favorite Warehouse 13 episodes (in chronological order)
Season 1 Episode 4- "Claudia"
Do I need to explain this?  It gave us Claudia.

Season 1 Episode 7- "Implosion"
Introduced McPherson, who was a great villain.  Even if the actor will always remind me of Robin Hood: Men In Tights

Season 2 Episode 1- "Time Will Tell"
Saw the introduction of another even more awesome 'villain' (though I'm not convinced she's a true villain yet) plus wrapped up the mole storyline nicely while giving Mrs. Frederick a reason to be totally badass.

Season 2 Episode 2- "Mild Mannered"
Jewel Staite and Sean Maher reuniting on screen?  Myka dressed up as a super hero saving the day?  Claudia in the field, being hilarious and awesome?  How could I not love this episode?

Season 2 Episode 7- "For the Team"
I really liked the Eureka crossover too, but this one wins out because it's all women, all hour, being totally and completely awesome and badass.  And Pete and Artie, while being totally useless to the overall plot, got to be cute and funny back at the Warehouse while the women saved everyone.  Also, hello Myka/HG Wells femslash.

Worst Lost episodes (rubs hands with glee)

Season 6 Episode 11- "Everybody Loves Hugo"
I actually don't remember much about what happens on the island.  So way to be engaging, Lost.  But the sideways?  Look, Hurley and Libby were sweet, but not sweet enough that they deserved and entire episode dedicated to their wuv.  Seeing all the other people from 815 didn't cause so much as a flicker, but Libby's wuv makes Hurley remember everything?  Please.  It's also hilarious to me that Hurley and Libby, who didn't even get to a first date, get a whole episode, while Sawyer and Juliet, this supposed epic twu wuv we were supposed to buy even though they never bothered to show it to us, got 5 minutes.  But hey, they didn't actually show us the rest of that relationship, why start in the last season?

Season 4 Episode 4- "Eggtown"
The most laughably terrible depiction of the legal system in history, and Kate and Sawyer acting OOC to justify having Kate run off to St. Jacksus once again.  Who cares about character continuity?

Season 6 Episode 14- "Across The Sea"
I know, let's spend an hour with people we've never met before to tell a story that could have been told in at least half that time and probably less.  And make sure to answer a question from season 1 that nobody really cared about anymore, and let's fuck up the continuity while we're at it.  And at the same time we should give the silliest explanation for the island ever that somehow manages to not actually answer a damn thing.  And we should do this right before the show ends so no one has time to really think about how fucking stupid it is.

Season 3 Episode 9- "Strangers in a Strange Land"
Because what I really want in a Lost episode is an hour of Jack stalking Thai hookers just so we can get an explanation to his tattoos, the one question on this show that absolutely no one gave a shit about.

Season 6 Episode 16- "The End"
Hey everybody, hope you didn't care about any of the mysteries we introduced in the last 6 years because we sure as hell don't.  We're not answering anything, but it's not lazy writing it's art and if you don't get that you're just a hater who's too childish to get it and LOOK OVER THERE A CHUCK E CHEESE!  Oh, and the Sideways is purgatory because we're so fucking clever and nothing that happened when these people were alive matter apparently because everything's hunky dory with everyone so we don't have to deal with stupid things like character development or conflict resolution.  Lol, aren't we clever.

Favorite songs at the moment
A lot of soundtracks.

Jane Seymour Dies (the Tudors Season 3 Soundtrack)- really heartbreaking, and I haven't even seen season 3

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Anne Dreams of Her Childhood (the Tudors Season 2 Soundtrack)- This is just so haunting and beautiful.  Fits the woman it's about.

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Now We Are Free (Gladiator Soundtrack)- It's so beautiful, and is one of those song that always makes me feel a certain way.  It's sad and hopeful at the same time.

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Poker Face (Lady Gaga- The Fame)- I never used to like this song, and then merry linked to this Daniel/Vala vid with it, and now I'm obsessed.  Go figure.

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All I Need (Within Temptation- The Heart Of Everything)- Yes, I did fall in love with this song watching Damon and Elena dance to it, thanks for asking.

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AUs or Crossovers you've thought about/wanted to write

1.  I had a dream that the Stargate Atlantis crew found themselves in the Midlands working with Kahlan, Cara, Richard, and zed.  That'd be a fun crossover.

2.  Ginny Weasley succeeds in stealing the Sword of Gryffindor and somehow manages to get it to Harry and Co.  Someone actually started writing this, but they stopped after 3 chapters and ever since I've been dying for them to either finish or for someone else to take over the idea.

3.  Lately I've been watching parts of the Tudors and thinking it'd be interesting to see them transported to modern times and have to deal with how history sees them.  And for some reason I keep imagining them meeting up with the Stargate crews, because Carter/Vala/Weir/Teyla taking on asshat Henry and his temper tantrums would be hilarious.

4.  Kara/Sam and Kate/Sawyer meet up and have epic drinking games.  Maybe in the afterlife, maybe in some weird alternate universe, I don't care.  Either way, you know hilarity is going to ensue.

5.  This promo makes me want Burn Notice/White Collar like whoa.  I don't really care about the plot, it just needs to happen.

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Canon moments you wish never happened
1.  The entire last episode of Lost (actually, the entire last season really).
2.  Jo and Ellen dying on Supernatural
3.  Tess murdered Alex on Roswell
4.  Damon killing Bree on Vampire Diaries (I get that she tried to kill him first, but something about the way he did it and the way it was filmed made me uncomfortable, and it's probably the only part of that show that I don't ever want to rewatch)
5.  Dr. Romano is killed on ER by a falling helicopter, months after having his arm chopped off by one.

Former cast members you wish would work together again on-screen
1.  Michael Shanks and Claudia Black (of Stargate SG1)
2.  Katee Sackhoff and Michael Trucco (of BSG)
3.  Kristen Bell and Tina Majorino (of Veronica Mars)
4.  Tabrett Bethell and Bridget Regan (of Legend of the Seeker)
5.  Alexis Bledel and Matt Czuchry (of Gilmore Girls)

Actors you would cast in certain roles if the people who actually played them hadn't been cast
1.  Alona Tal as Alex on the new Nikita premiering this fall
2.  Tabret Bethell as Kara Thrace on BSG
3.  Claudia Black as Fionna Glenanne on Burn Notice
4.  Michael Trucco as Cameron Mitchell on Stargate SG1
5.  Michael Shanks as Michael Weston on Burn Notice

Likeable villains
1.  Damon Salvator on Vampire Diaries
2.  Anne Boleyn on the Tudors(I know she's not a traditional villain, but in the first season she was very much the antagonist to Katherine, so it kind of counts)
3.  Spike on Buffy the Vampire Slayer (pre season 6)
4.  Batiatus on Spartacus (he seems like a pretty OK guy, actually, considering the times, until you find out he had Sparty's wife killed)
5.  Leoben on Battlestar Galactica

Funny lines of dialogue
I just sort of grabbed the first ones that came to mind, because if I tried to think about it and pick my absolute favorites of all time I'd be here forever trying to whittle it down.

1.  Veronica Mars (I seriously could have filled this whole thing with VM quotes)

Lilly: Don't you watch any horror movies? My soul is doomed to walk the earth until justice has been served...
Veronica: Really?
Lilly: Yeah that, and as kind of a side project, I dispense fashion advice.

2.  Warehouse 13 (after Claudia hacks into her own file after Artie told her to leave it alone)

Claudia: Come on, that's like me leaving out a piece of cake with a sign that says "Not for Artie".
Artie: That was one time!

3.  Stargate SG1 (after Vala has thrown him a surprise party when it's not his birthday)

Vala:  I'm telling you, the last time I was this bored I took hostages.
Daniel: I was there.

4.  Vampire Diaries (Stephan and Elena wake up in bed to discover Damon sitting on the edge)

Stephen: Damon!
Damon: What?  If I see something I haven't seen before I'll throw a dollar at it.

5.  OK, I couldn't limit it to just one VM quote

Veronica: So, my grandma Reynolds was always saying 'when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.' I wish she was still alive, because I'd really like to ask her what she suggests for when life gives you Chlamydia.

roswell, buffy the vampire slayer, soundtracks, meme, burn notice, stargate, harry potter, legend of the seeker, warehouse 13, sawyer/kate, veronica mars, gilmore girls, music, vampire diaries, bsg, kara/sam, lost, the tudors

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