Last night of freedom

Aug 22, 2010 21:12

I start classes again tomorrow.  Last first day of school ever.  I have a feeling this whole year is going to be me getting sentimental over all my lasts.

OK, confession time.  I watch Dark Blue.  I'm not going to defend it as a good show, because it really has a shit ton of problems.  But I love the cast.  It's not even really the characters, though I've liked most of them at some point.  It's the actors themselves.  I like them, so I turn off my brain completely and try to enjoy.  And that's before Tricia joined.  She's an added bonus.  But I've loved Nicki Aycox since her days on Providence, and of course she was the first of many awesome Supernatural ladies that that show would fuck over.

Anyway, the point of bringing this up is, Dean/Jaimie have joined the list of my 'just because it's hot' ships.  I can't help it.  They're hot.  There's nothing particularly new or innovative about their relationship, but they're hot.  So, anyway, I made icons.  If anyone wants.


the rest here @ cmack_icons 

dean/jaimie, dark blue

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