Heroes babble-and a quick note to Bones

Oct 11, 2008 11:45

I Am Become Death

Really? )

bones, journal, heroes

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Comments 19

gin200168 October 11 2008, 21:01:35 UTC
I like Sweets. I mean yeah, he's no Gordon, but realistically, I don't think they're going to get Stephen to hang out here enough to do much with the show. :-(

And yeah, Sweets is not a big obstacle or whatever they need to deal with, but I like him. I think he's moving into the 'awkward young one' role that Zack's departure leaves open (although I was never much of a Zack fan) and he has a lot of leeway to push character buttons on the other characters that you may not get to do with another 'labbie' style character.


karaokegal October 11 2008, 22:42:37 UTC

I don't hate him, as in Ianto-level hatred. I just think he's not really contributing anything to the show, and is kind of annoying.


sarahetc October 11 2008, 22:29:37 UTC
I just hope there's a lot of Noah in the next episode to make up for the lack thereof.


Loved "Domestic Sylar," and little Noah. Noah? WTF? Named after his lover? Huh? Someone better explain this in a very slashy way.

No no no. Were that the case, he'd be called Mohinder! Except we can't think about Mohinder anymore, because he's TOO GROSS. He is so gross I am going to die of it.

Sorry, Maya, your titties aren't all that interesting anymore are they, now that Mohinder's totally gone off the rails?

I'm still pretty interested in them.

And Present!Peter/Future!Peter only get shipped if it somehow involves them fucking each other to death, literally.

Glad you're still enjoying!


karaokegal October 11 2008, 22:55:09 UTC
Zach Quinto has done nothing for me on any shippy level until he had that smile with Jack Coleman.

Mohinder is gross, but that's gotta be an improvement over BOOOORRRRRING!


vanillafluffy October 12 2008, 06:28:35 UTC
I, too am in it for the Pasdar. And the domestic!Sylar was winner-full. So sweet and geeky, who knew?


karaokegal October 12 2008, 18:27:59 UTC
I'd still have been happy with a clean shave, but I guess that would be too much to ask.


vanillafluffy October 12 2008, 18:46:45 UTC
I don't mind a little scruffiness, although his eyebrows could use a bit of man-scaping....


karaokegal October 12 2008, 18:48:11 UTC
The Sybrows (credit to sarahetc) are going to take over the world (if not his face.)


daasgrrl October 12 2008, 23:03:24 UTC
As I say, I have given up trying to understand Heroes. But LITTLE NOAH? Official freak out. Now, it could be that Noah has magically regressed and Sylar is looking after him (awww) or that Noah has died and Sylar named the boy after his lost love (awww) or, cracktastically, see, Noah's one of those people who names his children after himself, and the boy is actually a product of their Big Gay Love, after Noah took the serum and developed the ability to become pregnant XP

FWIW, I think Jessica was an 'ability' and therefore not an Official Triplet.


karaokegal October 13 2008, 03:16:48 UTC
I'm willing to for for almost any theory, but the Mpreg. :)


ophelianoiepas November 11 2008, 23:56:35 UTC
Named after his partner and his niece's adopted father. Sorry for the non-slashy explanation. XD


karaokegal November 12 2008, 00:00:17 UTC
*fingers in ears* Lalalalalalalalalalalalala!

And we'll probably never get a canon explanation anyway.


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