Heroes babble-and a quick note to Bones

Oct 11, 2008 11:45

I Am Become Death

OK, I loved it. Loved. Loved. Loved. Except maybe for Nathan's presidential hair, which scared me more than anything else in the episode. But the Pasdar hotness is not to be denied. Ever.

Triplets? Which means we have to track down at least one more Ali? And it still doesn't explain Jessica? Was she a result of the abuse or the Heroes experimentation.

Is anyone slashing Peter/Future Peter yet? That might be his most effective pairing.

Peter getting the Sylar sickness---creeeepy. But kind of cool.

Loved the whole, "everyone has powers" reveal and the shot of everybody flying around.

Loved "Domestic Sylar," and little Noah. Noah? WTF? Named after his lover? Huh? Someone better explain this in a very slashy way.

Sorry, Maya, your titties aren't all that interesting anymore are they, now that Mohinder's totally gone off the rails?

Even Hiro/Ando were cool, or at least "cooler" this week. I'm getting kind of caught up in the idea that some of the Heroes are born and others are made and I'm wondering if there's going to be more of an us vs them between those two factions, as opposed to good vs evil and Heroes vs non-heroes.

I'm getting totally confused by present/future stuff, but I'm not too worried about it. Mostly just going along for the ride and LOVING IT!

I just hope there's a lot of Noah in the next episode to make up for the lack thereof.

Bones, Bones, Bones...

The whole "useless intern a week" routine is getting OLD. And boring. And not funny. (And reminding me a little too much of House MD-Season 4. Not a good thing. I know you can't bring Zach back, but you need to settle on a replacement and GET ON WITH IT.

And the therapy thing...ZZZZZZZZZZ

Now that they've used Sweets as the red-herring in last year's finale, what good is he? Who needs a shrink that's NOT Gordon Wyatt on this show? Trying to interpolate him into the actual mysteries is getting more and more obvious and less and less plausible.

But I don't really care. It's a show that slips off my brain and I don't ship anyone. Which is fine.

bones, journal, heroes

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