Heroes babble-and a quick note to Bones

Oct 11, 2008 11:45

I Am Become Death

Really? )

bones, journal, heroes

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vanillafluffy October 12 2008, 06:28:35 UTC
I, too am in it for the Pasdar. And the domestic!Sylar was winner-full. So sweet and geeky, who knew?


karaokegal October 12 2008, 18:27:59 UTC
I'd still have been happy with a clean shave, but I guess that would be too much to ask.


vanillafluffy October 12 2008, 18:46:45 UTC
I don't mind a little scruffiness, although his eyebrows could use a bit of man-scaping....


karaokegal October 12 2008, 18:48:11 UTC
The Sybrows (credit to sarahetc) are going to take over the world (if not his face.)


vanillafluffy October 12 2008, 18:52:35 UTC
Points to her, that's a good one!


karaokegal October 12 2008, 18:55:34 UTC
Speaking of good nicknames: Sarah Palin-Caribou Barbie.


vanillafluffy October 12 2008, 18:57:42 UTC
And let's not forget her hairstyle, the Palin-dome.


karaokegal October 12 2008, 19:00:00 UTC
Giggle, giggle. That's awesome!


vanillafluffy October 12 2008, 19:19:02 UTC
What is less awesome is the fact that I haven't written anything for my costume. I'm in a state of apathy; I can't seem to get anything off the ground right now, it keeps running into the brick wall that is real life.


karaokegal October 12 2008, 19:24:32 UTC
Oh dear!

I'll send positive vibes to your muse. And feel free to email if you want to bat ideas around.


vanillafluffy October 12 2008, 19:36:34 UTC


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