Meme a day 2008- Day 125-Another Character Meme

May 07, 2008 17:47

Ganked from p_zeitgeist1. Comment to this post with the name of a character that I have written in fic ( Read more... )

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Comments 19

hllangel May 8 2008, 01:08:49 UTC
Let's kick this off with the FABULOUS Jack Harkness.


karaokegal May 8 2008, 16:59:42 UTC
Now there's surprise. :)

a. What initially prompted me to like the character enough to write about him/her.

The omni-sexuality. The charm. The charisma. The self-confidence. (Before I realized just how much churning darkness was lying underneath all that stuff.) I swear to god, "Don't Know When" pretty much wrote itself by the time I'd finished Empty Child/Doctor Dances for the first time.

b. One of his/her best traits?
The omni-sexuality. (Am I repeating myself.)
Seriously. After all the H/W drama about acknowledging the attraction at all, it's nice to have a character for who that's not an issue. (Although I was crazy enough to think it also meant a lack of ship-wars. Hahahahahahahah)

c. One of his/her worst traits.
Narcissism. Not just worrying about his gray hairs. I think he's still seriously self-involved, and most things end up being about HIM!

d. How easy/difficult I find it to write the character.
Really easy. John's acting and general persona make the voice sing, even if the character doesn't.

e. The story/ ( ... )


hllangel May 8 2008, 17:06:54 UTC
Youi knew I'd say it as soon as you posted the meme.

Jack/Noah ought to be good.

And Jack's narcissism does get in the way a bit. But he's Jack, and we work with it. Because in the end it really is all about him.


lifebecomesart May 8 2008, 01:19:48 UTC
Well this might not be the best since you just started writing him...but Chris



karaokegal May 8 2008, 17:13:04 UTC
a. What initially prompted me to like the character enough to write about him/her.

The sweetness. Of all the men (and some of the women) that Sam has to deal with, Chris seems the most human. Sometimes more than Liz, even.

b. One of his/her best traits
Willingness to learn.

c. One of his/her worst traits
He's a bit of an idiot.

d. How easy/difficult I find it to write the character.

It's somewhat hard to write a not very bright character's POV. I have that problem writing Bertie Wooster as well. I have to keep him in character for what he doesn't know.

e. The story/chapter/paragraph/phrase where I feel that I truly captured the character.

I think my Chris voice in Errand Boy was pretty good for a first try. I like the part where he's thinking that he wants Sam's respect...and a smile.

f. My plans (if any) to write the character in the near future (which may be more optimistic than realistic, but rousing old muses does sometimes gets work written).I'd like to do a full-scale hurt/comfort Sam/Chris story, probably Sam POV, ( ... )


msp_hacker May 8 2008, 01:39:05 UTC
Either Dr. James Wilson or Ianto Jones. Whatever is easier.


secondsilk May 8 2008, 13:15:21 UTC
Then I pick the other one. Especially if it's Ianto.

That might be a bit mean, so I also pick Jools.


karaokegal May 8 2008, 17:39:14 UTC

a. What initially prompted me to like the character enough to write about him/her.

I liked Ianto when I was reading Torch-fic, especially kohl_rimmed_eye's Ianto/Owen fics, before I'd ever seen the show.

The actual show really made me loathe the character, but hllangel wanted me to write Jack!fic for Channukah, so I did and the result was
Clouds In My Coffee

Strangely enough, now that we've survived Series two and I see the threesome ending I want to see, I'm more like to write some less hate-filled fic for him.
Strangely enough

b. One of his/her best traits
Apparently the coffee is good.

c. One of his/her worst traits
Self-indulgent, self-centered whininess.

d. How easy/difficult I find it to write the character.

Strangely easy. But I know a few things about possessiveness.

e. The story/chapter/paragraph/phrase where I feel that I truly captured the character.

Giving him the benefit of the doubt, I kind of like the moment in
No Harm
when he asks Jack, if his ego is really that collasal ( ... )


karaokegal May 8 2008, 17:46:09 UTC

a. What initially prompted me to like the character enough to write about him/her.

The moment I heard the "bugger skin-heads" line, I know I needed to write this character, although that only applies to my 2nd time seeing it. In other words, after I was already in love with Hugh as House.

b. One of his/her best traits
Humour. No matter how dark things are, he's got a snarky comment to make.

c. One of his/her worst traits.
Does he really have any? Well okay, he's completely manipulative and duplicitous, but
that's part of what I love about him.

d. How easy/difficult I find it to write the character.
With the help of beta_goddess, frighteningly easy. I LOVE writing Jools.

e. The story/chapter/paragraph/phrase where I feel that I truly captured the character.

From last years mmom fic-

Jools removed his eveningwear, putting it out to be picked up by the cleaners in the morning The silk boxers he kept on, adding a silk dressing-gown. If the bloody worms were going to devote their lives to spinning the stuff, there was no reason Jools ( ... )


itsarift_thing May 8 2008, 07:13:27 UTC
Owen... (who else?)


karaokegal May 8 2008, 18:08:51 UTC
a. What initially prompted me to like the character enough to write about him/her.
I was intrigued by the fact that so many people seemed to hate him and then I fell in love with him in Countrycide for the snark and for the upagainstatree scene with Gwen. HOT!

b. One of his/her best traits
He's an improviser.

c. One of his/her worst traits
Also has a bit of a self-pity syndrome going on.

d. How easy/difficult I find it to write the character

Very easy. I like doing the snark and the cynicism, but also the pain.

e. The story/chapter/paragraph/phrase where I feel that I truly captured the character.
This section of my Ianto/Owen drabble fic:

It’s not his fault that Suzie went bonkers ( ... )


itsarift_thing May 8 2008, 19:18:44 UTC
a) I love his snark but generally do a rubbish job of getting a handle on it myself.

e) I don't think I'd read that before *takes a moment to absorb*
*comes back*
Yep that's him all right and I he didn't deserve half of what happened to him :(


karaokegal May 8 2008, 21:34:31 UTC
Here's the whole thing, if you haven't read it.

Owen!snark makes me happy the way House!snark does.


kohlrimmedeye May 8 2008, 16:27:55 UTC
Lindsay Monroe


karaokegal May 8 2008, 17:54:45 UTC
a. What initially prompted me to like the character enough to write about him/her.

Your take on her, because on-screen-BLAH, in your fic-HELLO!

b. One of his/her best traits
Tenacity-she doesn't give up.

c. One of his/her worst traits
Vulnerability. It's not a surprise considering everything she's been through, but there's a part of her that is still heart-on-her-sleeve for my comfort level with the character.

d. How easy/difficult I find it to write the character.

Not that easy. I tend to write her from outside because I'm really not sure how her mind works.

e. The story/chapter/paragraph/phrase where I feel that I truly captured the character.

I really liked the first story I wrote for you,
the multi-part, Lindsay/Chase crossover, and I wish I could say that was the real Lindsay, but now I think not.

I think the Isaac/Lindsay dialogue may have come the closest.

f. My plans (if any) to write the character in the near future (which may be more optimistic than realistic, but rousing old muses does sometimes gets work ( ... )


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