Meme a day 2008- Day 125-Another Character Meme

May 07, 2008 17:47

Ganked from p_zeitgeist1. Comment to this post with the name of a character that I have written in fic ( Read more... )

meme, meme a day 2008, journal

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karaokegal May 8 2008, 17:39:14 UTC

a. What initially prompted me to like the character enough to write about him/her.

I liked Ianto when I was reading Torch-fic, especially kohl_rimmed_eye's Ianto/Owen fics, before I'd ever seen the show.

The actual show really made me loathe the character, but hllangel wanted me to write Jack!fic for Channukah, so I did and the result was
Clouds In My Coffee

Strangely enough, now that we've survived Series two and I see the threesome ending I want to see, I'm more like to write some less hate-filled fic for him.
Strangely enough

b. One of his/her best traits
Apparently the coffee is good.

c. One of his/her worst traits
Self-indulgent, self-centered whininess.

d. How easy/difficult I find it to write the character.

Strangely easy. But I know a few things about possessiveness.

e. The story/chapter/paragraph/phrase where I feel that I truly captured the character.

Giving him the benefit of the doubt, I kind of like the moment in
No Harm
when he asks Jack, if his ego is really that collasal.

f. My plans (if any) to write the character in the near future (which may be more optimistic than realistic, but rousing old muses does sometimes gets work written).

I'll be writing TW a long time, which means I'll be writing Ianto. My Capt. John/Ianto hate!sex fic for daasgrrl is sitting at the beta shop.


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