Meme a day 2008- Day 125-Another Character Meme

May 07, 2008 17:47

Ganked from p_zeitgeist1. Comment to this post with the name of a character that I have written in fic ( Read more... )

meme, meme a day 2008, journal

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karaokegal May 8 2008, 18:08:51 UTC
a. What initially prompted me to like the character enough to write about him/her.
I was intrigued by the fact that so many people seemed to hate him and then I fell in love with him in Countrycide for the snark and for the upagainstatree scene with Gwen. HOT!

b. One of his/her best traits
He's an improviser.

c. One of his/her worst traits
Also has a bit of a self-pity syndrome going on.

d. How easy/difficult I find it to write the character

Very easy. I like doing the snark and the cynicism, but also the pain.

e. The story/chapter/paragraph/phrase where I feel that I truly captured the character.
This section of my Ianto/Owen drabble fic:

It’s not his fault that Suzie went bonkers.

Fine, he was a bastard, but everyone agrees it was the glove, which means technically it was Jack’s fault

And if Gwen needed a shoulder to cry on and a fuck so good it left them both gasping from the sheer intensity of it, who was he to turn down a lady in distress?

Yeah, all-around hero he is.

So don’t tell him he deserves this thing in his soul that hurts worse than anything Weevils or Ianto could have inflicted.

Do not tell him that.

Because this time, he’ll kill you.

f. My plans (if any) to write the character in the near future (which may be more optimistic than realistic, but rousing old muses does sometimes gets work written).

Lots of mmom fics, and definitely more Jack/Owen to come.


itsarift_thing May 8 2008, 19:18:44 UTC
a) I love his snark but generally do a rubbish job of getting a handle on it myself.

e) I don't think I'd read that before *takes a moment to absorb*
*comes back*
Yep that's him all right and I he didn't deserve half of what happened to him :(


karaokegal May 8 2008, 21:34:31 UTC
Here's the whole thing, if you haven't read it.

Owen!snark makes me happy the way House!snark does.


itsarift_thing May 8 2008, 21:38:32 UTC
Coo ta *opens it for later*


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