"Lady Willpower" Torchwood Drabble Jack Harkness/Sarah Jane Smith Rating-G

Oct 09, 2011 22:07

Title: Lady Willpower
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Pairing: Jack/Sarah Jane
Rating: G
Wordcount: 100
Notes: Drabble-a-Day 2011. Day 282. Prompt from tw100. Challenge #214-The Sarah Jane Adventures. Episode: The Temptation of Sarah Jane. Beta by hllangel. Comments and concrit welcome.
Summary: Just how good is Sarah Jane Smith?

It took her long enough to answer the door, but she eventually appeared.

“Hello, Sarah Jane.”

“Hello, Captain Harkness. And good-bye. I already told you…”

“No guns, lasers, or any other weapons. You can search me thoroughly. In fact, I hope you will."

Jack caught the smile in her eyes.

“Mr. Smith tells me your vehicle is parked around the back with a small arsenal on board. Go back to Cardiff, Jack.”

He made a small, courtly bow before leaving. The Doctor only picked the best.

She was good enough to resist Jack, but too good for Jack to resist.

sarah jane smith, doctor who, drabble-a-day 2011, torchwood, tw100, jack harkness, drabble

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