Back In The Saddle

Jun 30, 2011 12:59

Cross-posted to dailyexercise.

I took a rest day from the gym yesterday. I felt bad about not being able do a "gym buddy check-in" but I've just been exhausted and felt I REALLY needed a sleep-in morning.

I did ride the bike home from work, since I had left it there on Tuesday evening when the downpour made me leery of hitting the streets.

Rode to work this AM. Good ride. Sunny day. I did have a "near-miss collision" with a guy on a Zappy Electric Scooter as I was turning the corner at AT&T Park. I hit the ground, which normally leads to a total melt-down, but I basically just bounced up and got back on the bike and finished my ride for a total of about 11.12 miles in 1 hour 22 minutes.

Since I finished the 7 Weeks to 100 Push-ups program (which took about 6 months) I feel like I've lost focus as far as my gym work-outs. I need to find a goal/program to center things around. Maybe something ab related, or for my arms. I know spot workouts are rubbish, but I'm really floundering right now.

The one positive is that I'm doing very well in terms of building up the mileage on my long runs to train for Giant Race 1/2 marathon in August.

running, exercise, bicycle

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