May 30, 2012 07:41
My mil had a severe stroke and may not walk again. Still, it's hard to tell with these things in the long run, and they're going to start her on physical therapy very soon. I'm not sure how everyone's going to manage the actual day to day things, but families have a way of working things out.
My story at Liberty Hall isn't doing well as-is, but I'm completely fine as I've got lots to work with and I see the potential of it, or I've got the happyblinkers on, which also works for me to feel brave about using the material for my July camp nano story.
I've been working a lot, but that's coming to an end. Too bad, as I really love the paychecks and getting to know the customers and all the new procedures that I didn't have to deal with when I was only at an office occasionally.
My garden is not doing as well as I'd hoped. Plants seem to just be sitting there, not dying, but not really growing, either. I finally gave up on the seeds and bought a variety of growing plants at the store. I'm very disappointed in that, but maybe it's too early to give up hope that things will start taking off and/or look pretty.
liberty hall