Jul 06, 2008 19:07
You have put this wall between us, and it keeps me from getting close to you.
I have walked around the wall and there is only one way in, just one gate, and it is always locked.
I have tried to climb the wall but it is tall, and the harder I climb the taller the wall gets.
I have tried to chip my way through the wall, but it is sturdy and thick.
I have tied to pick the lock, but no matter how I try the gate can only be opened from the other side.
I tried to ignore the wall but I ended up just walking head first into it.
Try as I might the wall remains invincible.
Yet every day I come to this wall and try to find a way past.
Sometimes you stand atop the wall and watch my efforts.
Sometimes the things I do amuse you.
Sometimes the things I do drive you away, and I can hear you making the walls stronger.
Sometimes, ever so rarely, the things I do bring you down to the gate and I can hear you on the other side.
I know why these walls were built.
I know why these walls still stand.
I know that alone I will never break through these walls.
I know that the only way I will ever get past the wall is if you let me in.
Yet every day I come to this wall and try to find a way past.