Some of you may remember
this fantashtic day when the ever banterful members of my office donned facial hair in the time honour traditon of mocking a fellow colleuge. At the time I said I loved my tash and I wanted to keep it.
Well it would seem that my body has finnlly taken the hint of my duct taping my breasts down, spraying my hair into the Uchiha duck-butt and pretending to be a man most week ends. It would appear after all these months of being single and not taking the pill and my skin being super angry with me; I have lip shadow! I am growing my own GENUINE tash! Maybe its because I drink a lot of beer and wrestle a lot. Maybe its cos I have no RL friends who are girls. Maybe its because my conversations about NY resolutions go like this:
Mike: i need to get fit, im going to buy a rowing machine
K8: i need to get fit, im going to play more wii and less PS3
I honestly dont know if I am amazingly proud of my budding testotrone or whether I should be ashamed. Im gonna go with "proud on new found manhood, but unfortunately known as girl at work, who pay me money, and want to keep me that way"
Either is better than this littel exchange I had a work today
K8: gah! I wanna to go home! I am all the wrong temperature!
John: whut?
K8: my top half is hot but my feet are cold - how does that even happen?
John: maybe you are going thru *does bunnyears* THE CHANGE!!
K8: *glares*
John: like really early ...
John: or maybe you are pregnant...
K8: I haven't fucking had sex for 10 months! ... at least not with other people *smirk*
John: maybe its taken after you and is just lazy. and when it is born its going to have extra thumbs for console playing!
K8: after 10 months, its not just my thumbs that are going to be overdeveloped...
john: *sprays tea across his desk* ... *choke* ...
K8: *smirk* ah revenge is sweet.