I meant to do this ages ago:
Meme Yoinked from
calm_isolation 1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me!"
2. I'll respond by asking you five questions of my choosing.
3. Post the questions and their answers in your journal.
4. Include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, ask them five questions. And thus the endless cycle of the meme goes on and on and on and on...
1. If you could be credited for writing anything famous what would it be and why would you want to associate with that text?
Anything by Iain Banks cos all of his books are amazing - I am repeatedly blown away by the imagination of his brutal plots, the development of realistic characters and the almost tactile level of detail in his descriptions. Also he hates punctuation, normal grammar and writes people’s accents. Which is awesome.
2. What is the first song/sound you heard his morning?
My alarm tone, which is D-technolife - UVERworld, and then “by choice” Audience Killer Loop - Dir en Grey
3. If you could change on thing you have done in the past how would you change it and what do you think that change would have on your life today?
I wish that I had a better temper; I tend not to care about things for ages, then I flip out and kill people. I never tell people that they are bothering me until I scream at them, and set them on fire. I would be better if I didn’t try and ignore things and spoke to people in a calm rational way to solve the problem before it got to that stage.
4. Your favourite game?
Hmmmm this a tough one; at the moment it is probably Naruto Shippuden Gatikou Ninja Taisen EX3 on the wii. Especially, the I-will-kill-ALL-the-generic-ninja mode with sharingan mode shippuden Sasuke. Currently I have killed 643. and it has Hidan. But I also like Ultimate Ninja Storm & Gran Tourismo HD concept on the PS3, and Soul Caliber II on the Xbox, cos Spawn is EPIC!win.
5. Do you collect anything?
Cosplay? Does that count as a collection? I also have some of the gravel from every F1 circuit that I have been too. But that’s extremely geeeeeeeeky.
But I got distracted by a few days of 100% GM free, organic, low sodium, natural source of antioxidant SUCK:
I was asked to go to handover meeting, which is when a scheme (that I designed) has finished being built and gets put into normal motorway maintenance.
I had to do this the morning after the Manchester Winter Ales Beer festival, which meant that while everyone else got to go an drink vast quantities of award winning beer, I got to drink 1 pint of welsh cider and go home early. Grrr.
I got up at stupid o’clock to drive to Selby to discover that the hire car they had left me had no fuel in it. I went to the petrol station, and used the “pay at pump” thing on my credit card, but as it wasn’t my car I automatically picked up the petrol pump without thinking, before remembering that it was a diesel. So then I got the diesel pump, but the evil machine decided that I was trying to steal fuel and so tried to impound my card. Luckily I spotted what it was trying to do and I managed to catch it in time and yanked my card out in time, with my foot braced on the pump, from its nefarious, grabbing, mechanical, monkey fingers. This upset it somewhat - I think cos it lost a fight to a girl - and it decided not to give fuel to anyone. Ever again.
So I had to go to another pump, and pay at the till. The woman at the desk was not happy that I had buggered the machine, but I gave her some Uchiha-style glare and she left me alone.
After all that all my “in case there is traffic” time got eaten up and I had to drive like a crazy person over the zig-zaggy roads over the Peaks in a hired Astra that decided that it didn’t ever want to give me 5th gear. This is meant that my wrist, which sometimes hurts when I drive for a long time cos I broke it and play waaaay to much PS3, was caneing by the time I got to the meeting. Going over the mountains made my ears pop and gave me a head ache, it was foggy, I got stuck behind a slow truck for ages.
I got their just on time and got given the wrong directions to the meeting room. When I arrived the person who arranged the meeting made a stupid sexist comment that didn’t even make any sense and kept touching my shoulder. I did extremely well not to forcibly remove said limb from his body, as I unfortunately had left my sword at home.
The meeting had lot of talk about civil engineering - which is like a room full of people going “SPAAAAADE! ... KON-KREEEET” for an hour - then we got to my bit. I got ambushed with a mistake on drawing that a) wasn’t my fault b) wasn’t really a big deal anyways but they made a way bigger deal out of it than it was, which made the non-electronics people get all upset, and generally made me look like a cunt.
So I left and drove back to Manchester only to discover that the cigarette lighter on the hire car didn’t work so the battery ran out on my sat nav, so had get a bit creative with my route. I went back to the office, put the car on a parking meter to fix the tiny thing on the drawing. This didn’t take long and I was about to leave when someone called me and proceeded to talk to me for just long enough for me to run out of time on the meter.
I went back to the car SIX MINUTES over my time and I already had a ticket! The parking nazi was still completing the bloody ticket, but refused to let me off!
So I drove home, to find that they tried to deliver some cosplay but it had a customs duty to pay on it, so I called them and paid it on my card, and went to pick it up, but as it had a charge on it, it was a different post office from normal is in Ancoats, where trying to get anywhere without a sat nav is like trying to navigate yourself around an M.C. Escher painting.
I got the cosplay, and realised that it was precisely beer o’clock so I went to the supermarket to stock up. I also decided I wanted macaroni cheese. Recently they have decided to refurbish the supermarket and now have put everything in crazy places. Like they now keep flour with fresh bread, rather than with sugar and other baking stuff. They keep cream with the pastries, rather than with the milk and the yogurt. WHY?!?!
They didn’t have any macaroni.
Mike came home later to find me standing in the kitchen drinking a can of Strongbow, eating spiralli cheese and som tam, wearing nothing but a pair of boxers, an Akatsuki cloak and white shin guards.
Mike: “…. What exactly are you doing?”
K8: “Cosplaying”
Mike: “Who exactly ? You look like a flasher.”
K8: “Hidan”
Mike “Oh ok … with black hair?”
K8: “Yes.”
Mike: “…and macaroni cheese?”
K8: “its fucking spiralli! ” (this came out through gritted teeth, more like “FAHKENSPRRRRRLLY!”)
Mike: “and cider?”
K8: “Jashin-sama does not forbid it”
Mike: "Riiiiiiiiight…”