OK first post ith new in new layout!! w00t!
I have been fiddling with it for ages, and will still probably have to tweek it for the next few weeks - cos the engineer in me will never, EVER satisfied. And I am a geek with OCD.
I have actually tired to learn a bit of CSS and know I'm doing a ikkle bit too, so hopefully it should work for multiple resolutions/browers/screen aspect ratios etc etc, in a way that my old "I'm just one huge bkgnd img" on didn't. and I made it on the vaio. I can't tell you how pretty it looks from here and how happy it makes me ^__^.
So my beta buddies, let me know if you find something that is broke/looks wrong/is squashed etc. plzthxbai.
While hunting for new images/icons etc etc I stumbled across many things that proved the 34th rule is still in effect.
I am somewhat baffled however, I think something strange has happened to me. As a general rule that while I don't consider them squicks or bash them, it can be said that I, personally, do not like the following things:
- PG-13 / no "good stuff" fanfics/doujinshi
- Uber-kawaii/fluffy fan fics/works
- Marriage/Domestic bliss/M-preg stories
- Fem!Sasuke/Sasuko
- Non-crack X-dressing fic/fanarts
- Sas!UKE
- SasGAY / Sasuke bashing ( Ok, that one does make my teeth grate)
So with full disclosure of the above information, can someone PLEASE explain to me why the following section of a doujinshi (found
here), used to make some awesome icons (by
meteorfreak) I now have, has totally and utterly eaten my brain?
<------ read that way <------ read that way <------ read that way <------ read that way <------ read that way
I see it when I close my eyes or space out on the bus, it makes me horny - 2nd stage Curse Seal Sasuke and the apron may just of become my OTP.....
So very, very nonsensicle and wrong. New icon ( my 1st ever attepmt at manga colouring BTW) says it all.