Day 3: Deep Breathing / WoW Blues

Sep 04, 2008 22:27

"September is Pleasure Your Mate month. How do you like to pleasure your mate?" ...

WTF, Livejournal. LOL.

Today was pretty fun. I ordered my textbook, so there's that. Altogether, there was nothing especially interesting about today. I'm just really tired. Staying up so late last night was a bad idea.

I wonder, what is it like to be in the middle of something endless? For example, standing in the middle of an eternal sea, or floating in space with no sense of up and down. Part of me thinks that would be really cool, and part of me thinks I'd go insane if I saw it long enough.

On a note like that, I really should get back into meditation. Transitioning into college life has been, frankly, hectic these past few weeks, and if I'm already getting burned out before the homework starts coming, well, it probably won't turn out pretty. But where shall I find the time for all this? I suppose the afternoons would be good-- I've got no classes, and (usually) no homework to do... hm.

Oh, by the way, I canceled my WoW account for now. The way I see it, I'm going to be busy doing all sorts of stuff for college anyway and the wireless really sucks (as in, random d/c's) in the dorms, so why drain my bank account for something I'm not going to use? On the other hand, I really, really wish I could've leveled one of my characters to 70 before I stopped. I mean, when you've got a decently progressed server (i.e. your top raids are taking down people like Kael'thas and Kil'jaeden) nobody hangs around in Azeroth. All the top players are in Outland, and the people who are lower level are likely to be alts maniacally grinding their way to 70 anyway. What happens is that the lower-level zones become completely empty.

I remember one day logging on my troll shammy into Ashenvale... THREE PEOPLE. INCLUDING ME. You read me right. Three people in the entire zone. That's just unacceptable. At the moment, partying up in WoW and taking on higher-level zones/instances is one of the best ways to level up. I remember being lv. 23 and leveling my way up to 25 just by partying with a 29 warrior and killing 28~29 satyrs. That is a wonderful feeling, leveling twice in a day. Um. Anyway. [/wowgeek] My last day is Saturday the 6th, so that'll be awkward. I'll get back on eventually. (I'm on Quel'dorei, btw.) You know, when I have money to spend on it.

'Til tomorrow.

journal challenge, meditation, wow

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