Jan 04, 2024 05:38
Although Russia and Ukraine are at war, Russia is going ahead with its next regularly scheduled election in March, while Ukraine has canceled its next election (which was also supposed to be in March).
The US, despite all our faults, has never canceled an election due to war, not even during our Civil War. Yet Ukraine's leadership has decided they're too busy for such a thing as an election.
We might argue about whether Russia's election will be free and fair, but at least Russia puts on the show of allowing a vote.
Early in this renewed conflict between Russia and Ukraine I fancied myself on the side of Ukraine, both because it appeared to be the victim and because it ranked more highly on international democracy scoring. But now Ukraine is walking away from democracy, while expecting Western democracies to continue sending it aid.
If you're just two competing nationalisms fighting over the same territory, why should I bother helping either of you?
democracy without elections,
war war is stupid,