I'm trying to narrow down some meeting times and places for all those that mentioned they were interested in starting up the Church of Craft. I figured the whole December/January time might still be busy with holidays and leftover family and work stress. Hopefully in February we can actually get something started. I'll start posting over at
kc_crafters about more specifics as I figure them out. If you have more questions or suggestions for places that might be available to us, please feel free to send me an email at cherith @livejournal.com or leave a comment here.
About the Places - both Crown Center and Union Station have some big open areas with plenty of tables and chairs that would accomodate many people and all of their crafty things, drawing, knitting, laptops. Both places also have open WiFi access, which I thought would be handy as well. If you have another suggestion for a similar place, please let me know.
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