Non-corporate mind-control

Feb 19, 2009 22:52

I've just completed an intensive course in assertive presentations at Greenpeace. It was disconcerting to discovered that my default utterance - accounting for perhaps 30% of everything I say during a difficult presentation - is 'um'.

It was also disconcerting to discover that this course may have managed to cure me of using it in just two short days. Seriously. Day one, am: a million 'um's. Day two, pm: not a single 'um'. I have the video evidence to prove it.

The loud buzzer they used any time anyone um-ed and er-ed (and the points they deducted from the person's team) may have had something to do with this. Now attach that to some jump leads, and I may divest myself of 'basically', 'actually', and 'as you can see'.


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