Like life, only x2 normal speed

Feb 16, 2009 21:55

OK, now, this is just getting ridiculous. Either I have stupid fingers or was temporarily unable to count last night, or The Berkley website is messing me about and making reservations for me for the wrong month. Neither option fills me with much joy. I am eschewing the electronic option in favour of, er, emailing in a reservation. There shall be tea!!

But not, it appears, on Mothering Sunday, for Claridge's is fully booked. I am quite upset by this. Viable alternatives for afternoon tea with my mother, people? Don't say the Ritz, she'd... ok, she probably won't hate it, but I'm not convinced she would have a good time, either. Thoughts?

Other annoying things: someone, either the post office or the suppliers, is holding my curling iron hostage. I will not stand for it. I have sent a very stroppy email to Amazon.


Today was v. busy - not more work than usual, just very fast, everything crashing and things needing to be done immediately. Things almost calmed down in the afternoon, when one of the Directors called me (presumably because my boss is off sunning himself in, er, Devon for the half term) and asked if I could brief him on XYZ tomorrow morning, before his meeting with the CEO. When's his meeting with the CEO? 9am. *sigh* Which means I have an 8am tomorrow I am not really looking forward to. I think I am fully prepared, but you never know until you're there.


In other news, aaaah, Burkina in a week!

And, as it turns out, aaaaah, Zambia in June!

(And possibly Kenya in September, although that's less likely. Carbon footprint, credit crunch, et cetera.)

I'm really glad my shots are up to date...

trips, days out, shopping, work, africa

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