Alone in the World (X-Men: First Class)

Aug 22, 2011 18:45

Hey, guess what?  FIC!

Title: Alone in the World
Author: kanedax
Recipient: aphrodite_mine
Fandom: X-Men: First Class movieverse
Rating: PG-16 for language and implied sexuality
Summary: After Shaw starts World War III, the remnants of Charles Xavier’s team make their way across the Mutually Assured Destruction. And they’re being followed...
Notes: Written for the apocalyptothon apocalyptic fic challenge.
There's one term in this story I hesitated to use, weighing the pros andcons of modern political correctness vs. societal views of a female CIA agent in the early 60’s. In the end, I went with it. I hope it doesn’t affect your enjoyment of the story as a whole.
I don't own these characters.  They belong to Marvel Comics & 20th Century Fox.

Alone in the World

Also, the fic written for me for the challenge:

A Haven in Destruction by pie_is_good (NR, Marauder-era Harry Potter)
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