Wow, haven't been here in a while.
Anyway, just posted NEW fic this morning, my first since chapter one of Neville, um... when was that? No clue.
Well, it's posted, but you won't be able to read it yet. It's
apocalyptothon over at
AO3, so none of those get revealed until next Sunday, the 21st.
Anyway, without TOO many spoilers, I came closest to losing a deadline as I ever have. Wrote roughly 2,700 words between 8 and noon Saturday morning to get it done by the time I disappeared from my laptop for the rest of the day. It was herky, it was jerky, it was lacking in descrpitives, and it created the most random pairing since See Icon.
Note to self: In the future, never EVER volunteer to write a fic based on a movie that's only available in first-run theaters at the time of the assignment. At least not without some sort of source material to back it up (previous series, graphic novels, extensive wikis/quote lists). I'm too much of a cheapskate, I sat on it until it came into our second-run cheap theater two weeks ago. And even then I only saw it once. The story may be lacking. Writing Potter's easier. Writing Buffy's easier. They exist to me in a tangible way. This one won't until I have the DVD in my grubby little hands.