Dec 23, 2007 22:58
I hate that I get these waves of emotion. It comes on quick and unexpected and before I can even understand what's happening, it's gone. Maybe I'm developing a bi-polar personality.
Amanda: i hate the way things unfolded. I don't really regret acting the way I did, but when all is said and done, I hate the way that we can just pretend nothing happened, and yet, things are still different. I hate the awkward silences, and the pretending we don't know each other. I hate that the whole thing was about two stupid boys that mean nothing to me anymore. I hate that I feel like I mess every relationship with every single person I know up.
Lina: I love you to death, but I hate that in my downward spiral and sophomore slump I've become to attached to you that I feel like I've lost my independance. It scares me to think that I can't function normally without you being around. It scares me even more to know that you want to be there, but that I can't even let myself trust you to follow through because I'm tired of being let down.
Tyler: I hate that you use me. I hate that you treat me exactly how I treat Daniel, but somehow in my mind, that's okay - but this isn't. I hate how you used to make me feel so special and that now you make me feel like I was stupid for ever thinking I was anything more that one girl of many. I hate that someone I hardly know can make me so messed up.
Daniel: I hate that everything is awkward. I hate that it's not the same. I hate your stupid friends for putting ideas in your head and messing us up. I hate that I'm too chicken to even ask you about it. I hate that I can use you and that you don't hate me. I hate that you let me get away with too much, and now it's all one big slap in the face.
Krzys: I hate that I'm so weak. I hate that I let myself get carried away with you because you make me feel whole. I hate that you let me do it. I hate that I can't have feelings for you. I hate that I know you would treat me like I want to be treated. I hate that I crave the boys that I know are going to break me down.
Jess: I hate your bluntness. I hate that I hate your lack of tact, because I really want to be the kind of person who can always find the good. I hate your snide remarks, and the hypocritical way that you can judge me, but yet claim to be someone who doesn't judge. Most of all I hate that you make me hate myself by judging me for judging others when I know you do it too. I hate that I'm a baby.
Maria: I hate that I feel like you go out of your way to make me feel like second best. I hate that you blow me off, but come crawling back when you need me. I hate that you use me, but it's not even that. I wouldn't mind being used if only you didn't treat me like a second class citizen the rest of the time.
Claire: I hate that in the back of my head, I think that you would probably sell me out to the highest bidder. I hate that I see you as someone who is so superficial that they can't even see it in themselves. I hate that I can't see the good.
Jake: This one is the hardest, because there is so much. I hate that I know the stupidest, randomest things about you. I hate that I know the last time you cried, and I hate that sometimes I can remeber how you used to smell. I hate that I care about how your parents are doing, and I hate that I feel like I know a side of you that no one does. I hate that I can still continue to care after how you treated me. I hate how I miss our friendship and I hate how it all turned out. I hate how I regret saying 'yes' more than anything in my entire life. I hate that I can honestly say that to myself because I don't want to be that person. I don't want to be hurtful, or regretful. But I hate myself for getting carried away. I hate that I screwed it up so bad. I hate how I didn't even bother to fight. I hate how I just let it go, when I wasn't ready for it to be over. I hate that I question if you really cared. I hate that I hate you because you probably didn't. I hate that I miss our friendship. I hate that I can have so many regrets over such a short amount of time. I hate that we can never go back to the way things were. I hate that I want to go back.
I want last year back.
It's 11:11. I wish... for a happy new year. I wish to be less neurotic. I wish to care less. I wish to stop talking and dreading change, and to actually go forward and do it.
1. What kind of chair do you prefer?
Hidden meaning : You want your partner (girlfriend/boyfriend ) to:
a. Be together with you always, no matter when or where
b. Be more open with you about himself/herself
c. Take more care of his/her dress and manner
d. Be a little bit more relaxed, calm and composed
e. Do more for you
The message behind the question:
If you choose to sit on certain chair, you are not suspicious of it or distrust it. This is similar to the psychology present in our relationships with the people we like. In other words, the qualities we look for in a chair are similar to the qualities that we look for in a partner.
2. Tomorrow is Sunday. What are you going to do ?
Hidden meaning: With respect to money:
a. You spend as little as possible.
b. You spend whatever you have.
c. You save for rainy day.
d. You spend carefully. Pennies saved turn into dollars.
e. You are probably a bit stingy.
The message behind the question:
Sunday is a day you are free to use however you want. Having freedom to do whatever you want is like having money to spend however you want. Becoming good at managing your finances is an important step towards independence. What do you think of your money spending habits? A penny for your thoughts...
3. A box lying in the road. What is inside?
Hidden meaning : You think good luck ....
a. Depends on maintaining good relationships with others.
b. Is something you won't attain. You expect only bad luck.
c. Will definitely be yours, someday....
d. Might come your way.
e. Doesn't exist. Reality is built on practicalities.
The message behind the question:
People often attribute unexpected events to good luck or bad luck. When something goes well; it's good luck; when things turn sour, it's bad luck. Your answer reveals what kind of luck (what's inside the box) you think you will have in an unexpected circumstance (the box on the road)
4. What kind of present would you buy for a very closed friend ?
a. You are not able to relate clearly to others. You tend to become lost in clouds of confusion when attempting a task.
b. You are the type of person who assumes that the world revolves around yourself.
c. You tend to think about others' feelings a lot, perhaps because you are so eager to be liked.
d. You care more about world trends and fashions in general than you do about your own, or other people's needs.
e. You have a tendency to overdo things, but basically you value your friendships highly.
The message behind the question:
By stating what kind of gift you would give to a good friend, you are actually revealing how you relate to others. However, it doesn't really matter so much what you give someone - it's the thought the counts. If you care enough to give something, your friend will get the message. The dual acts of giving and receiving are, together, one of the finest pleasures and one of the best forms of communication - that friends share..
5. You want to cross a river, but there is no bridge in sight. What do you do?
Hidden meaning : When it comes to finding a romantic partner you:
a. Will search and search until you find your perfect match.
b. Create opportunities to interact with many people through club activities or a hobby, then select someone you like.
c. Don't have any particular type in mind, but are inclined to look for someone who is likely to say 'Yes' if you ask him/her out.
d. Base your search on information from your friends.
e. Are not too worried about finding someone right away.
The message behind the question :
Your answer to this question reveals the way you tend to search for a boyfriend/girlfriend. Crossing a river is a psychological equivalent of getting out and finding that special someone. In any case, if you don't make an effort to meet people, there's no way any relationships is going to start at all. So, get to it!
Hmmm, interesting.