Jul 28, 2007 04:12
i haven't written on here in ages.
so my current complaint,
has little to nothing to do with boys,
i know.
i'm up at 4 in the morning,
on saturday,
sitting around,
doing presumably nothing,
and feeling pretty lousy.
last night (friday),
we (me, christina, jake, maria, paras)
were supposed to get together to catch up,
and just hang around with christina because she was leaving for vaca the next morning,
and i made the stupid decision of calling jess,
and letting her come along,
and the even stupider decision of letting jess bring amanda.
don't get me wrong,
jess and amanda are two of my best friends,
and they mean alot to me.
but honestly,
lately everything is off.
and it sucks,
because amanda's usually the one i would call and try to figure out what was wrong,
it's just not the same.
so anyways,
the whole drama fest of tonight,
had to do with the fact that amanda apperently,
doesn't like jake ?
something like that.
she doesn't "not like him" she's just "not fond of him",
because apperently,
he tries too hard ?
and he does drugs ?
( both of which,
used to be true,
but i don't think are anymore. )
the whole thing got blown out of porportion,
with everyone whispering,
and such,
and it just sucked in general.
i mean,
to find out that one of my best friends doesn't like my boyfriend,
and i mean,
not even like, "oh no they're not friends",
more like,
she can't even spend two hours with him without causing a scene,
just bugs the hell out of me.
if i invite you to come hang out,
and not even that,
if you INVITE YOURSELF to come hang out with ME and a bunch of friends,
you should at least have the class not to start talking about why you don't like my boyfriend,
ten minutes after he leaves !
i mean,
you don't have to rush out and become best friends,
but to broadcast to a whole bunch of my closest friends,
that you think my boyfriend is a loser,
not worthy of me, or you, or who ever this is about,
is completely out of line,
and honestly,
plain out offensive.
i get the feeling,
that is probably more about me and amanda,
than amanda and jake.
i do probably spend more time with him now than i do with her,
or at least,
in group setting with our mutual friends,
which are by no means amanda,
but this is not fucking third grade,
i must be really pissed off,
i hardly ever swear.
and it really doesn't help matters that,
one day i'm not even sure if i like jake for jake,
or jake for being my boyfriend,
more like,
the idea of dating someone ?
and then the next day i switch to,
he's pretty much like the sweetest kid ever.
he does make a pretty swift boyfriend,
not gonna lie.
jake: heyo
me: hey
what's up ?
jake: not much, ramsey's here, he's being boring, but don't tell him that.
jake: i'd kind of rather be with you.
me: :)
i need a life.
scratch that,
my FRIENDS need lives.
pretty much,
i need to calm back down,
so i can go back to bed.
i kind of want to go for a run,
but i don't quite have enough energy,
and it also doesn't get light until about 6 am,
and it's only 4 30,
so i have some time still.
i think i've written enough,
i ranted about enough anyways.
i guess i'll get over it.
i really don't want to like loose amanda as a friend,
because she actually can be really great when she tries,
but it's like everything's changing,
and everything she does pisses me off.
i mean,
it's not like i'm running off to vegas to elope or something,
and jake's not even that bad,
i could have done alot worse.
he's good for me,
i just think he's what i need right now in my life,
and she can disagree,
but honestly,
it's my life.
we're supposed to be friends,
and if she can't see that i'm happy,
(or at least as happy as i can be atm)
and that he makes me happy,
then i really just don't want to hear it.
even if the entire thing ends up being a huge waste of time and energy,
even if i end up getting so hurt,
it shouldn't even matter,
i'll make my own mistakes,
and learn from them,
i don't need another person in my life telling me what to do.
i just can't understand why she doesn't understand that,
we're like a unit now,
and by talking trash about jake,
it reflects badly on me,
because she may think he's a loser,
then that makes me,
the even bigger loser dating the loser.
i'll get over it.