Valentine's Day/New Year Fic/Art Post [TezuRyo]

Feb 14, 2010 18:55

Authoress is posting three fics in one! And with an added bonus, an artwork! Yaaaaaay! XD So, like, this is in celebration of Valentine's Day and 2010's Chinese Lunar New Year! w00t w00t! :DDDD I'm serious, Lunar New Year is, like LOVE because we get luck money and yummy food and a week-long break! Asia....shoot! Curse the states. :P

Title: Tradition
Author: Kamitori
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Tezuka/Ryoma, Fuji, Kawamura, Oishi, Kikumaru, Momoshiro, Inui, Kaidou, Karupin
Summary: It's a tradition they're not willing to give up so easily, even if their paths have diverged.
Warning: None
Disclaimer: I have no claim to Prince of Tennis.
AN: Happy New Year everyone~ Just a note for those who don't know much about the (very much loved holiday by us Asians) Lunar New Year: this year, the new year falls on Valentine's Day.

Every year, it's the same. Tezuka's old tennis team would always meet up in front of Kawamura Sushi every Lunar New Year to celebrate without fail. Tezuka knows it's childish, but he also knows that none of them are willing to let go of the tradition, eve if it's a hassle for all of them to plan ahead since the date is always changing with the moon.

So, every year, Fuji would postpone his photo shoots and Momoshiro would cancel his tennis lessons. Kaidou would close his veterinary clinic for the day and Oishi would take a doctor's leave. Inui would never hold a university class on that day, and Kikumaru would also take leave from his kindergarten class to celebrate. Kawamura would always open the shop late or close it early depending on the time they decide to meet and his father would always make sure to have a large mountain of sushi for the nine people to eat.

Tezuka can never forget when the new year is because Echizen-san knows of their tradition from her son and would always circle the next new year on the law firm's calendar in bright red and makes sure that the secretary knows not to schedule any appointments for Tezuka on that day. And Ryoma...Ryoma would always make sure to take a week's vacation if he is away from Japan and fly back home. If there is a schedule conflict with a tennis tournament, he always pulls strings to make sure he is back in Japan on time to celebrate.

This year is no different, except Ryoma does not need to catch any flights because he has been taking an extended vacation in Japan, much to his manager's chagrin, so Tezuka and Ryoma walk down to Kawamura's shop, hand in hand, breaths mingling in the cold winter air, snow crunching underneath their boots. Everyone else is already there, waving their hands energetically.

They play in the snow, and Momoshiro, Kikumaru, and Ryoma have a snow building competition to see who could make the best zodiac animal. Ryoma's tiger looks like a larger but still fluffy Karupin, Kikumaru's rabbit attracts many younger children, and Momoshiro's snake is on the verge of collapsing from Momo's and Kaidou's fight. Kawamura laughs and ushers them all inside to eat before they freeze.

Later Tezuka and Ryoma return to their apartment, hands entwined again. Tezuka makes himself tea and Ryoma some hot chocolate when they enter while Ryoma plops himself on the couch and runs his fingers through Karupin's fur.

A small smile plays on Tezuka's lips and he settles into another routine.


Title: Be Mine
Author: Kamitori
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Tezuka/Ryoma, Momoshiro, Sakuno, Tomo, random Tezuka fangirl
Summary: Perhaps he should send Tezuka-buchou a box of those heart-shaped candies with the messages on them that are so popular in America.
Warning: None
Disclaimer: I have no claim to Prince of Tennis.
AN: Ah....happy Valentine's Day also. :)

Ryoma doesn't like Valentine's Day because it only gives his fan club an excuse to shower him with chocolates and confessions and unwanted affection.

He is glad to see that none of the other regulars on the tennis team are exempt from having girls all over them, though his gee is short-lived because Momo-senpai, Kikumaru-senpai, and Fuji-senpai revel in the attention and Oishi-senpai and Kawamura-senpai are just too kind to turn the girls away. Kaidou-senpai is usually lucky enough to avoid at most half of his fan base and Inui-senpai always accepts his gifts with a gleam in his eyes. The next day all of the tennis club's members have to drink chocolate concoctions that leave even the chocolate addicts sick of the sweet confection for at least a month, if not more.

But what makes Ryoma hate Valentine's Day the most is all the gifts Tezuka-buchou gets, and none of them are from him. He wishes Tezuka would stop being so polite and just refuse to accept any of the chocolates rather than just gently refusing any love confessions (not that he is one to speak). He wishes that he could just simply steal all of Tezuka's chocolates and burn them in the school's incinerator, but then Tezuka-buchou would give him a lecture about how rude that was and forbid him from playing tennis with buchou for a month.

Ryoma wonders, as he takes the gifts from the stuttering girl with extremely long braids and the girl with the loud, obnoxious voice, whether the gifts would stop if everyone finds out that buchou already has a lover. Perhaps he should send Tezuka-buchou a box of those heart-shaped candies with the messages on them that are so popular in America.

When he reaches the tennis courts for practise, there are so many girls gathered around the courts that he can barely get in. He manages, though, but the absence of Tezuka has him turning to Momo-senpai, who points over to Court D before he can ask. Tezuka-buchou is there, talking to a third-year girl clinging to his buchou's arm as if she is accustomed to it. Ryoma's eyes narrow and he quickly dashes over and wraps his hands around Tezuka's other arm, to the girl's and Tezuka's surprise.
"Kunimitsu, practise is starting."

"...aa." Tezuka sighs and pulls his arms free and winds them around Ryoma's waist. "Gomen nasai, Kayama-san, but I'm already in a relationship."

The girl blushes and stutters an apology. Ryoma watches her leave with a smug look in his eyes and buries his face in Tezuka's jersey. By tomorrow, news will have spread that he and Tezuka are a couple, and he wouldn't have it any other way.

" do know that you will be punished for that, ne, Ryoma?"

"Che. You have no sense of priority."


Title: Present
Author: Kamitori
Genre: Romance
Rating: T
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Tezuka/Ryoma
Summary: "I gave him my consent."
Warning: .......uh.....nothing explicit. I SWEAR.
Disclaimer: I have no claim to Prince of Tennis.
AN: There's a picture I drew that goes with it. You can scroll to the end and look at it now, can wait until the end. :P Argh! I couldn't stop grinning as I wrote this fic! >///< Also, 2010 is the year of the tiger. :3

When Tezuka opens the door, he does not expect to see a large box sitting there with a tag that said, "To Tezuka with ♥. Happy Valentine's Day/New Year! ~Fuji PS: Don't ask about the ears or tail. Let's just say technology's amazing." taped to the front. Tezuka eyes the present warily. He knows from experience that anything Fuji gives as a present should be approached with a ten-metre pole if it is not a cactus. The sadist's non-prickly plant gifts have been known to cause bodily harm.

But Tezuka is not one to leave a present from his friends lying around, so he drags it into his apartment's living room and opens it with a sigh.

Tezuka expects Fuji to give him something ridiculous, such as a year's supply of lubricant or a cosplay outfit, or even a cactus or a pile of fish bait.

He does not, however, expect to find Ryoma kneeling in the box, dressed in a skin-tight tiger print leather outfit.

Tezuka feels himself tightening in more ways than one.

Ryoma gets up and stretched, showing off how well the leather outfit, complete with movable ears and tail. He licks his lips appreciatively when he sees that Tezuka is wearing the oversized sweatshirt he had given him earlier last Christmas and places his hands on the bare shoulders peaking out of the sweater before sliding them up to wrap around Tezuka's neck. "Ta-dai-ma, Kunimitsu~" Ryoma purrs, nuzzling his neck, his tail flicking back and forth happily. "Missed me?"

"Shouldn't you be in America?" he asks, pulling Ryoma closer, and dips his head.

Ryoma sweeps his tongue over Tezuka's lips. "Nn. Fuji-senpai pulled some strings. Nngh...mmm...Mitsu!"

Tezuka runs his tongue over the mark he leaves on Ryoma's neck and pulls back. "Did he force you into this?"

"Iie. I gave him my consent." Ryoma pushes Tezuka down on the couch and wraps his legs around Tezuka's torso, grinding into his lover. "Now, I think it's time to give you my Valentine's Day/New Year present."


Haha, I obviously didn't bother to clean it up or even colour it after scanning it, but I'm just really a lazy artist. That, and I'm terrible at colouring anything that's, white, and grey if it takes more than two-three hours. But, if I get a motion to clean and colour it, followed by a second and at least two more votes for, then I...will get around to doing it. Like I said: laaaaaaazy artist. >.< Click on the image and experience TezuRyo rabu rabu full scale! *is shot* XD

sakuno, inui, oishi, momoshiro, ryoma, tomo, fanfiction, tezuka, fuji, kikumaru, art, karupin, tezuryo, prince of tennis, oc

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