Blaaaaah, What?

Feb 28, 2010 14:41

First thing's first: Who the heck's actually going to read this? Oh well. Post it anyway, and maybe I'll get a response. *pokes miniscule friends list* Should probably go friend people....<.<

Like, wowzers (haha, who actually says 'wowzers' anymore? Fail, Ru, faaaaiiiillll). I'm actually blogging, and not, like, posting fics and whatnot. Is this a sign that something unmentionable is about to happen, because this is so OOC for me. Then again, it's also OOC for me to go out and say, "Hey! I totally love your fics/We have so much in common/We have something in common and can probably work off of that so let's be friends! :D".

.....say, what is the relevancy of this post? I dunno! Apparently people can blog whatever they want. This is where a slightly creepy laugh is due, but I so can't to a creepy, "Hey, I'm high/drunk!" laugh, so whatever. The only probable relevancy for this is...I should start posting news of when I'll POSSIBLY be updating fics/posting new fics/whatever? Oh,, I fail you so.

.........yeah, I probably should.

So! For my loyal FF.neters...if I don't have anything updated on my account, someone PM me. And throw a brick while you're at it, or threaten to stalk out my house with pitchforks and torches. I swear I'll get off my arse and do it....unless I'm bogged down with IB stuff. *noose slowly tightens around my neck*


1. Twelve Weeks of Ikarishipping: That was so ancient. I'll probably take it down and re-write it and FiNALLY post that last chapter. I'll do it, promise. Just...wait a couple more weeks for spring break and I'll get productive. >.<

2. Coincidence?: That's....sitting in my external hardrive (I think), waiting to be edited. But I'll get around to that. I'm just...busy with International Baccalaureate and it's evilness to be focusing on writing right now.

3. That's Captain Jack Walker!/Upside-Down World/Running Blood: I swear I'll update those three fics...eventually. They won't stay incomplete one-chaptered stories for long!.....this is so totally why people have summer breaks.

4. A Series About Denji: Those might get taken down and re-edited, but they'll be updated, I swear.

5. Other possible drabbles/stories....are pending. I might get back into the swing of it, but I so refuse to continue along with the anime. It, like, sucks so much now...except for maybe when it's in Japanese. :P


1. Uzumaki Naruto: Journal of a Proud in the works of being edited. If I can find the file. If not, I'll completely re-write it. Hopefully I remember the basic, Naruto disappears, only Ino has some clue as to what's going on...mysterious murders...something along that line? >.O Sheeeeeyuuuuuut.


1. Chronicles of Asia: Oh, how I love this series! I have so many ideas bouncing around in my head right now--if only I can get them down in writing! Stay tune for the next update, if anyone cares to read this. There'll be more Tibet!...I think. And Vietnam!

2. Ideas, ideas, ideas! I already have a couple, from the 2010 Winter Olympics (GO EVERYONE NOT AMERICA!!! :D) to Alfred kidnapping Matthew to a WWII story based on Switzerland and his badassery when it comes to neutrality.

Prince of Tennis:

1. Addiction: Totally a semi-AU that I'm working on where Tezuka's a badass Matori agent. TezuRyo. Need I say more? >:D

2. Catalyst: Drabble that's currently in the works. Let's just say it involves Fuji, chemistry, and TezuRyo. Haaaaaah, formula for fear.

*hammers, "Looking for beta reader who's willing to help bounce ideas/read random stuff and help authoress finish stories" sign in front of journal* Shoot, I'm usually the one who betas stuff, but looks like I'm too busy to even go through and edit my own stuff. Fail!Authoress does a fail!flail!

And somebody seriously throw a brick at me if I don't update at least twice a month. I'll pay you in cookies to do it, too. *laughs*

updates,, ikarishipping, fanfiction, pokemon, random, hetalia, beta, prince of tennis, tezuryo, naruto

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