Ten [TezuRyo]

Jan 27, 2010 21:20

Title: Ten
Author: Kamitori
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Tezuka/Echizen, one-sided Sakuno/Echizen, Fuji, Nanjirou, Karupin, Inui, Kikumaru
Summary: Ten sentences about Ryoma (and Tezuka).
Warning: Fluff
Disclaimer: I have no claim to Prince of Tennis.
AN: This was fun to do; and it helped me with psychology! *is shot*

Acid: Science teaches him that he should not eat too much food with an acidic pH else his blood pH level would get too dangerously neutral and he would end up dying; if that means giving up his three-cans-a-day ponta routine, he'd rather die, though he does agree to cut back on his three-cans-a-day when buchou tells him it's not good for his health because buchou is buchou and he only listens to buchou.

Colours: He likes to wear red, white, and blue not because he is an American born and bred (even though he technically is), but because it's the colours of his favourite sports brand and because it reminds him of Japan and Seigaku and the memories and bonds he made there, his American pride be damned because Japan has his teammates and, more importantly, Japan has Tezuka.

Mental: When he finds out that Fuji-senpai is studying to become a psychiatrist from Tezuka-buchou, he makes a mental note to never go to Fuji-senpai with a problem; he feels slightly sorry for Fuji's future patients who, if not already short one glazed doughnut of a dozen, would surely be driven insane by Fuji's sadistic and mind twisting tendencies--and that's putting it nicely.

Litter: Oyaji likes to leave his porn magazines littered about the house now that he has deemed Ryoma old enough to be able to fully enjoy the nakedness of the female body; he takes a certain pleasure in watching oyaji howl in distress when he finds over half of them covered in piss and crap when Ryoma uses the magazines for Karupin's litter box and contemplates whether Tezuka would like to come visit to roast yams from the heat and ashes of the porn magazines he has prepared to burn and perhaps play some tennis with him.

GABA: He grudgingly promises (along with Fuji-senpai, and Inui-senpai) Tezuka-buchou to never ever give Kikumaru-senpai another glass of sugar-spiked coffee again and is sent off with his three senpai to chase down the overly hyperactive acrobatic tennis player which, much to Ryoma's dismay, is worse than running a hundred laps around the school; he, Inui, and Fuji later agree to never run another psychology experiment on Kikumaru again.

Frogs: Ryoma is not a fan of sour gummy worms, nor of worm-shaped candy products or any other types of gummy snacks in general, other than the occasional bite of licorice, but when Tezuka offers him some gummy frogs, he takes one without hesitation and pops it in his mouth, chews it, and takes some more; later when he is standing in the candy isle at the local market, he finds himself buying several bags of gummy frogs and wonders if Tezuka-buchou would like to share some.

Fluff: He likes to rub his face in Karupin's fur because it's soft and fluffy; when he visits Tezuka's house for the first time, he is unable to resist the urge and throws himself in Tezuka's arms and rubs his face against buchou's fleece shirt, and when he realizes what he is doing, he quickly pulls away and stammers an apology while trying to get his crimson face to cool down; he leaves later comfortably snuggled in the too-large-for-his-small-frame shirt smelling of Tezuka.

Date: He reluctantly agrees to go on one date with Ryuuzaki-sensei's too-long braided-haired granddaughter because she rescued Karupin and brought the cat back to him when it snuck away to follow him to school again, but when they are sitting in a small café pretending Ryoma actually did have an interest in his female companion, he can only think of what a date with Tezuka would be like.

Rendez-vous: When he returns to Japan after spending a year back home in America, he finds himself first on the doorstep of the Tezuka household after dropping off his belongings at his house; he is pleased to see Tezuka brighten when the older male opens the door and asks buchou to spend some time with him and grins when Tezuka agrees.

Ten: Kissing Tezuka, as cliched as it may sound, is like Heaven and he never wants it to end and Tezuka pulls him in even closer until Ryoma's smaller body moulds against Tezuka's and his hands are tangled in his hair, wrapped around his waist, everywhere all at once and Ryoma just wants more of Tezuka's addictive taste and sensual touch and wonders how he ever lived without his buchou.


Blood pH: Blood is a base and can only perform at a pH level of about 7.4 to 7.8. If there is to much acidic foods in your diet (fruits, soda, etc.) and your blood pH level drops, you become sic. If it reaches 7 (neutral) or below, you're dead.

GABA: A neurotransmitter in the body that inhibits nerve impulses (like a tranquilizer). Drinking caffeine blocks GABA, which then causes hyperactivity.

Gummy Frogs: Let's pretend for a moment that Tezuka really does have a secret sweet tooth and indulges on gummy frogs when he feels like it, because Haribo (c) gummy frogs are delicious!

Ten: Japanese word for Heaven, english word for the number 10.

sakuno, inui, echizen, fanfiction, kikumaru, tezuka, fuji, karupin, tezuryo, prince of tennis, nanjirou

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