Chronicles of Asia [2/?]

Sep 08, 2009 18:22

Title: We Must Live On
Author: Me (Kamitori)
Characters/Pairings: China, Indus, India, Pakistan
Rating: K
Warnings: Character death (nothing graphic, but...)
Summary: You, out of the three of us, must live through time and protect and teach our younger siblings.
A/N: Second drabble. It's China-centric yet again, but I have Indus, India, and Pakistan too! *Asian pride* I'm not as happy with this one as the firs one, but I guess that's what I get for rushing through this...*sweat drop*


He does not know what is more crushing: seeing his older sister crumble, or to watch day by day as his little brother follow their sister's footsteps to destruction. A part of China's heart died with Mesopotamia the day his sister fell, and now he feels another part of his old heart whither along with young Indus.

"I cannot help it," Indus tells him softly from his bed before breaking into a fit of coughs. Worriedly, China presses a cup of tea into his brother's hands and forces him to drink. "I am dying. My children are dying."

"But why, Brother?" China cries. "I have contracted the same illness and yet I have recovered!"

Indus regards him quietly and China cannot help but notice how much Indus has aged over the years, growing haggard, sallow, and bone thin. "Your children, Brother," he replies sadly. "Have the will to continue to live and thrive, unlike mine. The Divine has given you a purpose. You, out of the three of us, must live through time and protect and teach our younger siblings."

Indus dies several days later and his house crumbles to pieces, but repairable, like Mesopotamia's. A short distance away China finds two young children, twins. "Who are you?" he asks raspingly, his voice hoarse from mourning his dead brother.

"I am India," the boy replies, and China can see the resemblance between him and Indus. "This is my sister, Pakistan."

"Who are you?" the little girl asks.

China smiles and gathers them in his arms. "I-I am China.....aru," he answers. "I am your older brother.....aru."

"Brother?" Pakistan gives him a radiant smile. "Do we have any other siblings?"

He feels tears prickling the corners of his eyes. "Yes. Many of them, and many more to come."

He cannot die like his brother and sister. He still has work to do, to raise these little ones and the little ones to follow until they can stand strong and proud like how Mesopotamia and Indus would have wanted them to. So he will continue forward and rear them. He will protect them and he will make sure none of them ever falls.

And when the day comes, all of them will finally come together and live as a happy family.



1. Indus River Valley was one of the three ancient civilizations of Asia, along with Mesopotamia and Ancient China. It fell after the fall of Mesopotamia, and was located in present-day India, Pakistan, and Eastern Iran.

2. Mesopotamia was one of the three ancient civilizations of Asia and was located in the Fertile Crescent between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. It is considered the first and oldest civilization (and the first of the ancient civilizations to fall), known for inventing many tools that we have today, including the wheel. Geographically, it was located in present day Eastern Asia (or the Middle East by most), in Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey.

3. The death of Indus gave rise to India and Pakistan according to me. They are his heirs and were unified under India's house until Pakistan broke free. If you don't know the history behind India and Pakistan, go research colonial India and Gandhi for goodness' sakes!

4. Not as important, but according to me, Mesopotamia's children/heirs are the Middle Eastern countries (yes, that means you, Turkey, even though you want to be a European state [not going to happen any time soon, so sit down and be content that you're Asian]). They were unified under several houses, including Persia's before he fell, the Byzantium, and all that jazz.

5. I believe that China didn't always say, "aru", so I tried to find an exact time period when he started to use it. I'd say around the fall of Indus since he has to watch over all of his little Asian nations brothers and sisters (and there are LOT), so he needed to seem friendly (then he goes and creates an empire!).

By the by, I also consider the Oceanic nations to be part of Asia since most of the time they're either grouped alone (all those islands, floating all by their merry lonesome in the ocean) or with Asia (as if it's not big enough as is). The Middle East is the same way, especially since they are Asian nations. People just call them the Middle East to try and make Asia seem smaller.

Aiyah! The next one is also China-centric (but they also have the other canon Asian characters)! I need to write less China (so hard!).

Chapters: [1]

fanfiction, pakistan, indus, hetalia, india, china

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