i want may 27th like i want nothing else....

May 05, 2005 00:22

sooo whENs all this gONna end???----MAY 27th i am SO effin sIck of waKen up so eaRly just to DRive to LHWL and hAte it..i cant wait for the day whERe i gET to sleep in and DO WHATEVER I WANT!

so i waKE up this MOrnign feelen like craP-o-La..SORE throAT, fEver, heaRache, TIRED as haiL, the ONLY reason i WENt to schOO Was bc i hAD to woRk tonite..soCCer was a joKE today..feLT soo sicK n preTty much DID nothing moRE then i hAD. to i waS beat..

the Only person that mAde tHis day OK was my Dad i love him so much eVen if he is REdneck...

buT On a siDe note..gOin on 2 wEEks with thiS WhoLE SAm orDeal...what a joke..its the duMbest thIng evER! laS i heard was she saID shES not giVing us her seNior pictuREs until we stoP igNOring her and talking to her".well seeiNG as i have donE NOTHING wrong..im sOrry but thaTs not Happenin. number 1-niCk came ovER, SOOO WHAT!! 2-NOtHING HAPPENED! 3-did i KNOW she likes him?? no 4-i woulD not intentioNally inVite sOMEone ovER to piSS off a gOOd friend...soRRy! but that was not my PLan. im noT paRt of the "Mancinos Loop"/ i doNT know what goES on at thAT coLT or who liKes wHOOO OMG!! ps-DEBBIE IS PATHETIC and if she wanTS to keep talkin about highschoolers thAT makes her that muCh more pathetiC...makes me especiaLLy mad when she says it to CandaCE one oF my best friends, oh weLL i konw cAN will aLways love me.
so to wraP that up i will No lonGer be the person wHO she piCKs and chooses when she waNts to be my friEnd. thoSE days r over.. im sorry buT thatS how i fEEL..and so doEs alyssa and gWEn..im not aboUT to let somOne walk aLL over me liKE that its crap..itS just noT someThing i caRE enuF about to LoSE sleEP over so whaTever...if the yeaR ends liKE this--oh well i woNt feel the lEAst bit of guiLT..

ps-i was not the only one at my house when nick was over..consider that

well BEd time...see u aLL tomoRRow LYL

XOXO---LAURA aka "the ENEMY" (love that onE)
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